BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 07-05-92 (03:52) Number: 110 From: BILL CAMPBELL Refer#: NONE To: DOUGLAS LUSHER Recvd: NO Subj: Ray Carson's Tagmenu Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
REM Ray Carson's TagMenu REM The selection box can be located anywhere on the screen between rows REM 2 and 24 and can be any size. To locate change the values of UpperRow,REM LowerRow, and LeftColumn. Long lines were broken with an underscore. DEFINT A-Z DECLARE SUB TagMenu (upperrow, lowerrow, LeftColumn, FgNormal, BgNormal, FgHlight, BgHlight, FgMarker, Keycode, n, QtySe lected, array$(), Tagged()) REDIM array$(50), Tagged(50) COLOR 0, 3: CLS DEF SEG = &HB800 FOR x = 0 TO 4000 STEP 2 POKE x, 176 NEXT DEF SEG FOR x = 1 TO 50 array$(x) = "Item No." + STR$(x) NEXT n = 50 CALL TagMenu(5, 20, 32, 15, 1, 4, 7, 4, Keycode, n, QtySelected, array$(), Tagged()) COLOR 7, 0: CLS IF Keycode = 27 THEN PRINT "User Aborted": END PRINT LTRIM$(STR$(QtySelected)); " items selected:" FOR x = 1 TO n IF Tagged(x) THEN LOCATE , 5 PRINT array$(x) END IF NEXT END SUB TagMenu (upperrow, lowerrow, LeftColumn, FgNormal, BgNormal, FgHlight, BgHlight, FgMarker, Keycode, n, QtySelected, array$(), Tagged()) SelChr$ = CHR$(16) maxlength = 0 FOR x = 1 TO n Q = LEN(array$(x)) IF Q > maxlength THEN maxlength = Q NEXT COLOR FgNormal, BgNormal LOCATE 24, 6: PRINT SPACE$(68); LOCATE 24, 7 PRINT "<Home, End, "; CHR$(25); ", "; CHR$(24); ", Page Up/Down> <Spacebar>Mark/Clear"; LOCATE 25, 6: PRINT SPACE$(68); LOCATE 25, 7 PRINT "<F2>Mark All <F3>Clear All <Esc>Abort <Return>Go"; UR = upperrow - 1 LR = lowerrow + 1 LC = LeftColumn - 2 RC = LeftColumn + maxlength + 3 Top$ = CHR$(218) + STRING$(((RC - 1) - LC), 196) + CHR$(191) Middle$ = CHR$(179) + STRING$(((RC - 1) - LC), 32) + CHR$(179) Bottom$ = CHR$(192) + STRING$(((RC - 1) - LC), 196) + CHR$(217) LOCATE UR, LC: PRINT Top$; FOR Q = UR + 1 TO LR - 1 LOCATE Q, LC: PRINT Middle$; NEXT LOCATE LR, LC: PRINT Bottom$; setuptagmenu: row = upperrow: Column = LeftColumn COLOR FgNormal, BgNormal x = 1 DO LOCATE row, Column PRINT " " + array$(x) + SPACE$(maxlength - LEN(array$(x))) + " "; RowI = row GOSUB CheckTagged row = row + 1 IF row = lowerrow + 1 THEN EXIT DO x = x + 1 LOOP UNTIL x > n row = upperrow x = 1 COLOR FgHlight, BgHlight LOCATE row, Column PRINT " " + array$(x) + SPACE$(maxlength - LEN(array$(x))) + " "; GetKey: DO k$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL LEN(k$) Keycode = ASC(k$) IF LEN(k$) = 2 THEN Keycode = ASC(RIGHT$(k$, 1)) IF Keycode = 13 OR Keycode = 27 THEN 'Return or Escape COLOR FgNormal, BgNormal LOCATE row, Column PRINT " " + array$(x) + SPACE$(maxlength - LEN(array$(x))) + " "; COLOR 7, 0 EXIT SUB END IF --- Maximus 2.00 * Origin: Durham Systems (ONLINE!) (1:229/110)
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