BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 12-08-92 (07:56) Number: 382 From: DAVID COLSTON Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Sorts Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
I have caught several post on sorts. In particular a need to sort a directory. Here is a sample program for this in 7.1. DECLARE SUB QuickSort (A$(), NumberofRecords!) DIM A$(1000) Count = 1 Filespect$ = "*.*" A$(Count) = DIR$(Filespect$) IF LEN(A$(1)) > 0 THEN DO A$ = DIR$ IF LEN(A$) > 0 THEN Count = Count + 1 A$(Count) = A$ END IF LOOP UNTIL LEN(A$) = 0 ELSE Count = 0 END IF IF Count > 0 THEN QuickSort A$(), Count OPEN "O", 2, "Files.Dir" FOR I = 1 TO Count PRINT #2, A$(I) NEXT CLOSE END IF SUB QuickSort (A$(), NumberofRecords) STATIC False = 0 Offset = NumberofRecords \ 2 ' Loop until offset gets to zero: DO WHILE Offset > 0 Limit = NumberofRecords - Offset DO ' Assume no switches at this offset: Switch = False ' Compare elements and switch ones out of order: FOR I = 1 TO Limit IF A$(I) > A$(I + Offset) THEN SWAP A$(I), A$(I + Offset) Switch = I END IF NEXT I ' Sort on next pass only to where ' last switch was made: Limit = Switch LOOP WHILE Switch ' No switches at last offset, try one half as big: Offset = Offset \ 2 LOOP END SUB 'I hope this helps some of you. * OLX 2.1 TD * Press any key to continue or any other key to quit --- WM v2.04/92-0178 * Origin: Paradox of Arkansas *Wildcat 3.0* 501-646-7158 (1:19/121)
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