BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 12-07-92 (07:49) Number: 369 From: ZACK JONES Refer#: NONE To: TOM CARROLL Recvd: NO Subj: FIDO MESSAGES Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hello Tom! 04 Dec 92, Tom Carroll writes to All: TC> Does anyone know how to get the Destination Zone and Origin Zone numbers TC> from a fido style .MSG? Here's something I picked up some time ago - hopefully this will help. Credit, of course, goes to Marshall Emm. 'By: Marshall Emm REM Define the header of a Fido message TYPE msghdr FromUserName AS STRING * 36 ToUserName AS STRING * 36 Subject AS STRING * 72 DateTime AS STRING * 20 TimesRead AS INTEGER DestNode AS INTEGER OrigNode AS INTEGER Cost AS INTEGER OrigNet AS INTEGER DestNet AS INTEGER Fill AS STRING * 8 ReplyTo AS INTEGER Attribute AS INTEGER NextReply AS INTEGER END TYPE DIM Header AS msghdr f$ = "d:2.msg" OPEN f$ FOR BINARY AS 1 GET 1, 1, Header size = LOF(1) - LEN(Header) + 1: Message$ = STRING$(size, 0) GET 1, LEN(Header) + 1, Message$ 'text of message, i.e. ' everything after the header CLOSE PRINT "Message file: "; f$ PRINT PRINT "FromUserName: "; Header.FromUserName PRINT " ToUserName: "; Header.ToUserName PRINT " Subject: "; Header.Subject PRINT PRINT " OrigNet: "; Header.OrigNet PRINT " OrigNode: "; Header.OrigNode PRINT " DestNet: "; Header.DestNet PRINT " DestNode: "; Header.DestNode PRINT PRINT " DateTime: "; Header.DateTime PRINT " TimesRead: "; Header.TimesRead PRINT " Cost: "; Header.Cost PRINT PRINT " ReplyTo: "; Header.ReplyTo PRINT " Attribute: "; Header.Attribute PRINT " NextReply: "; Header.NextReply PRINT PRINT Message$ 'now the fun starts if you want to format the text of Message$, which 'is a single "line." Zack --- GoldED 2.40 * Origin: Zack's Shack San Antonio, TX (210) 653-2115 (1:387/641)
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