BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 12-06-92 (22:23) Number: 365 From: MARK REJHON Refer#: NONE To: SHANE HEADER Recvd: NO Subj: Alphabetizer FUNCTION Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
> Does anyone have a FUNCTION that that will > alphabatize a complete > string array? I have tried unsucessfuly. I'm sure I could do > it, but I thought I would check with you guys to see if you had one > lying around. The simplest sorting algorithm, for a 100 string array, non-case sensitive, is listed below. I assume that speed isn't important here. <G> DO Swapped% = 0 FOR StringNum% = 1 TO 99 IF UCASE$(Array$(StringNum%)) > UCASE$(Array$(StringNum% + 1)) THEN SWAP Array$(StringNum%), Array$(StringNum% + 1) Swapped% = -1 ENDIF NEXT StringNum% LOOP WHILE Swapped% Mark Rejhon --- FMail 0.92 * Origin: +++ VIddIBBS +++ (613) 521-4486! (1:163/255)
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