BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 12-02-92 (08:21) Number: 336 From: PETER BARNEY Refer#: NONE To: SCOTT WUNSCH Recvd: NO Subj: Accessing COM3/4: Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
> I seems to me that I've seen a post here about COM3/4. All that > was done was simply switch the addresses in low memory, and then 3 > & 4 became 1 & 2. ;) Does anybody still have this? Or at least have > the PEEK/POKE addresses necessary? DEF SEG=0 'swap com1 & 2 with com3 & 4 DEF SEG = &H40 a1 = PEEK(0) 'com1 a2 = PEEK(1) a3 = PEEK(2) 'com2 a4 = PEEK(3) POKE 0, PEEK(4) POKE 1, PEEK(5) POKE 2, PEEK(6) POKE 3, PEEK(7) POKE 4, a1 POKE 5, a2 POKE 6, a3 POKE 7, a4 DEF SEG Call it at the beginning of the program and then again at the end to "re-swap" them back --- FMail 0.92 * Origin: Pete's Place - Beverly Hills, 90210 (1:234/35.1)
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