BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 12-01-92 (05:19) Number: 344 From: JERRY ALDRICH Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: GETTREE.BAS 2/2 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
---------------------- CONTINUED FROM LAST MESSAGE ---------------------- SUB ShowTree CLS : S = 1: Top = 1: IF DCnt < 22 THEN Max = DCnt - 1 ELSE Max = 22 Refresh: OldN = 0: N = 0 FOR I = Top TO Top + Max P$ = Path$(I): N = 0: P = 0 DO W = INSTR(W + 1, P$, "\"): IF W THEN P = W: N = N + 1 LOOP WHILE W P2$ = Path$(I + 1): N2 = 0: P2 = 0 DO W = INSTR(W + 1, P2$, "\"): IF W THEN P2 = W: N2 = N2 + 1 LOOP WHILE W Nof$ = LEFT$(RIGHT$(P$, LEN(P$) - P) + SPACE$(20), 20) IF INSTR(Nof$, ":") THEN LOCATE I, S: PRINT LEFT$("\" + SPACE$(20), 20) ELSE T$ = "": FOR J = 1 TO N - 1: T$ = "³ " + T$: NEXT IF N2 < N THEN T$ = T$ + "À" ELSE T$ = T$ + "Ã" LOCATE I - Top + 1, S: PRINT T$ + "ÄÄ"; PRINT Nof$ END IF NEXT DO: K$ = INKEY$: LOOP UNTIL LEN(K$) IF LEN(K$) = 1 THEN K = ASC(K$) ELSE K = -ASC(RIGHT$(K$, 1)) SELECT CASE K CASE 27 CLS : EXIT SUB CASE -80 Top = Top + 1 CASE -72 Top = Top - 1 CASE -73 Top = Top - 19 CASE -81 Top = Top + 19 END SELECT IF Top < 1 THEN Top = 1 IF Top + Max > DCnt THEN Top = DCnt - Max GOTO Refresh END SUB ------------------------------- CUT HERE -------------------------------- This Sub is to display the directory tree created by the previous sub. It ain't much, but it works. Any suggestions or comments about improving the speed would be greatly appreciated! Have fun with it! Jerry Aldrich --- Renegade v8-27 Beta * Origin: The Bumpkinland BBS - "Home of BLand Software" (1:296/3)
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