BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 11-30-92 (21:15) Number: 374 From: RICH GELDREICH Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Mod Player/2 Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'<<Part 2 Starts Here>> DIM C.VolumeSpeed(3) 'Misc. Arrays DIM PeriodHigh(1023), PeriodLow(1023) 'Precalculated step rates DIM VolumeTable(63, 255) 'Precalculated volume tables DIM SampleBuffer(1199) 'Sample buffer;for mixing+playing at same time. DIM PatternSegment(127) 'Holds segment's of all the patterns to play DIM ActiveChannels(3) 'Holds active channels while mixing DIM ChannelOn(3) DIM Scale8to6(255) 'translation table for dividing each signed 'sample by 4 '===================================================================== ON ERROR GOTO ErrorHandler PRINT "QBMP v1.5 - An Amiga MOD player written in PDS/QuickBASIC." PRINT "(C) Copyright 1992 By Rich Geldreich" 'Precalculate an 8-bit to 6-bit signed translation table FOR A=-128 to 127 C=A\4 IF A<0 then Scale8to6(A+256)=C ELSE Scale8to6(A)=C NEXT 'Free up 300,000 bytes of far memory. Null& = SETMEM(-300000) FileSpec$ = Command$ IF INSTR(FileSpec$,".")=0 THEN FileSpec$=FileSpec$+".MOD" 'Attempt to open the MOD file. OPEN FileSpec$ FOR INPUT AS #1:CLOSE #1 OPEN FileSpec$ FOR BINARY AS #1 'Check to see if MOD contains 15 or 31 samples... A$ = " ": GET #1, 1081, A$ 'If the string at offset 1081 is "M.K.", or the first 3 letters are '"FLT", then the MOD contains 31 samples: S.Max = 15 - 16 * ((A$ = "M.K.") OR (LEFT$(A$, 3) = "FLT")) 'Print the MOD's title A$ = SPACE$(20): GET #1, 1, A$ PRINT "Title: ";A$ '===================================================================== A$ = SPACE$(8) FOR A = 0 TO S.Max - 1 'Skip the sample's name GET #1, , S.Name(A) 'Get the info on the sample GET #1, , A$ S.Volume(A) = ASC(MID$(A$, 4, 1)) IF S.Volume(A) > 64 THEN S.Volume(A) = 64 S.Length(A) = Extract(A$, 1) S.RepStart(A) = Extract(A$, 5) S.RepLength(A) = Extract(A$, 7) IF S.RepLength(A) = 2 THEN S.RepLength(A) = 0 IF S.Length(A)=2 THEN S.Length(A)=0 NEXT '===================================================================== A$ = " ": GET #1, , A$: T.Length = ASC(A$): GET #1, , A$ 'Load the pattern table. HighestPattern = -1 FOR A = 0 TO 127 GET #1, , A$: B = ASC(A$) IF B > HighestPattern THEN HighestPattern = B PatternSegment(A) = B NEXT '===================================================================== IF S.Max = 31 THEN SEEK #1, LOC(1) + 5 A$ = SPACE$(1024) 'Load the patterns. FOR A = 0 TO HighestPattern LOCATE , 1: PRINT USING "Parsing Pattern ##"; A; GET #1, , A$ B = Alloc(80): DEF SEG = B: C = 0 e = 1 FOR d = 1 TO 256 b1 = ASC(MID$(A$, e, 1)) b2 = ASC(MID$(A$, e + 1, 1)) b3 = ASC(MID$(A$, e + 2, 1)) b4 = ASC(MID$(A$, e + 3, 1)) e = e + 4 sample = (b1 AND 240) OR (b3 \ 16) period = (b1 AND 15) * 256 OR b2 effect = b3 AND 15 operand = b4 IF sample > S.Max THEN sample = 0 IF period > 1023 OR period < 20 THEN period = 0 SELECT CASE effect CASE &HC IF operand > 64 THEN operand = 64 END SELECT '<<-Continued On Next Message->> --- MsgToss 2.0b * Origin: Computer Co-Op - Voorhees, NJ | Ted Hare (1:266/29)
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