BBS: Inland Empire Archive Date: 11-19-92 (04:22) Number: 342 From: WALTON DELL Refer#: NONE To: DAVID KOUTS Recvd: NO Subj: Re: i need some info. Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
-=> Quoting David Kouts to All <=- DK> I'm kind of an amateur QBASIC programmer who likes to do a DK> lot with graphics. I'm working on a (kind-of) drawing program, and was DK> wondering if anyone could tell me how I could get input from a mouse? DK> What commands would I use? Here's a very simple paint program: 'This doesn't work with DOS 5 QBasic! DEFINT A-Z '$INCLUDE: 'QB.BI' 'do DIR \QB.BI /s if you need path DECLARE SUB PrintScrn () DECLARE SUB MouseNow (leftbutton%, rightbutton%, xmouse%, ymouse%) DECLARE SUB MouseShow () DECLARE SUB MouseHide () SUB MouseHide DIM InRegs AS RegType, OutRegs AS RegType = 2 Interrupt 51, InRegs, OutRegs END SUB SUB MouseNow (leftbutton%, rightbutton%, xmouse%, ymouse%) DIM InRegs AS RegType, OutRegs AS RegType = 3: leftbutton% = 0: rightbutton% = 0 Interrupt 51, InRegs, OutRegs IF OutRegs.bx = 1 THEN leftbutton% = -1 IF OutRegs.bx = 2 THEN rightbutton% = -1 IF OutRegs.bx = 3 THEN leftbutton% = -1: rightbutton% = -1 xmouse% = ymouse% = OutRegs.dx END SUB SUB MouseShow DIM InRegs AS RegType, OutRegs AS RegType = 1 Interrupt 51, InRegs, OutRegs END SUB SUB PrintScrn DIM InRegs AS RegType, OutRegs AS RegType Interrupt 5, InRegs, OutRegs END SUB SCREEN 0, 0, 0, 0: CLS : COLOR 3: MouseShow DO MouseNow Left, Right, x, y IF Left THEN MouseHide LOCATE y, x: PRINT CHR$(219); MouseShow ELSEIF Right THEN MouseHide LOCATE y, x: PRINT " "; MouseShow END IF KeyPress$ = UCASE$(INKEY$) IF KeyPress$ = "P" THEN PrintScrn LOOP UNTIL KeyPress$ = "Q" MouseHide END DK> I'm having to do all my programming on a word-processor and DK> taking it to my grandparent's house to test it, since this dinky 256k DK> computer of mine won't run QB. Is there any way I can get QB to run on DK> this thing? Not that I know of, but I'd HIGHLY recommend that you either upgrade your memory, find a cheap (less than $15) XT motherboard (at least) if you have IBM compatible parts, or buy a whole new system. Walton Dell P.S. I love to help beginners. ... Misspelled? No way! I have an error-correcting modem. Blue Wave/QWK v2.10 --- WM v2.01/92-0162 * Origin: The Huff & Puff BBS (602)-996-0033 USR DS (1:114/144)
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