DECLARE SUB checkKey (keyboard$, speedUp%, map() AS ANY, camx%, camy%, castlex%, castley%, showMenu%, mouse AS ANY) DECLARE SUB clearPrint (Char$, X%, Y%, TextColor%) DECLARE SUB changeMenu (showMenu%, refresh%) DECLARE SUB thingWork (thing AS ANY, thingAr() AS ANY, map() AS ANY, barrierAhead%, ntile%, ware() AS ANY) DECLARE SUB thingRotate (thing AS ANY, D%) DECLARE SUB thingFollow (thing AS ANY, targx%, targy%) DECLARE SUB show (camx%, camy%, map() AS ANY, thing() AS ANY, tileEffect() AS ANY) DECLARE SUB sleepClick (seconds%, mouse AS ANY) DECLARE SUB pickObject (mx%, my%, cx%, cy%, map() AS ANY, thing() AS ANY, showMenu%, camTarget%) DECLARE SUB handleCamera (camera AS ANY, X%, Y%, speedUp%, refresh%, showMenu%, thing() AS ANY) DECLARE SUB checkMenuThing (button() AS ANY, mouse AS ANY, showMenu%, refreshScreen%, thing() AS ANY, camera AS ANY) DECLARE SUB checkMenuCastle (button() AS ANY, mouse AS ANY, showMenu%, refreshScreen%, map() AS ANY) DECLARE SUB checkClicked (mouse AS ANY, leftReleased%, rightReleased%) DECLARE SUB clickedIfReleased (mouse AS ANY, leftCl%, rightCl%) DECLARE SUB setButtons (button() AS ANY, menuType%) DECLARE SUB thingSearch (map() AS ANY, thing AS ANY, thingAr() AS ANY, ware() AS ANY, ntile%, giveUpFast%, lookForSpecial%) DECLARE SUB setHouse (house() AS ANY, n%) DECLARE SUB checkMenuBuild (button() AS ANY, mouse AS ANY, showMenu%, refreshScreen%, flagMarker AS ANY, n%, ware() AS ANY, map() AS ANY) DECLARE SUB setPicLink (picLink() AS ANY) DECLARE SUB setMap (map() AS ANY, nr%, ware() AS ANY, tileEffect() AS ANY, castlex%, castley%) DECLARE SUB setThing (prsn() AS ANY, castlex%, castley%) DECLARE SUB fade (value AS INTEGER) DECLARE SUB playFX (Num%) DECLARE SUB playSound (nameOf AS STRING, mode%, X%, Y%) DECLARE SUB prnt (px%, py%, sent$, foreCol%, backCol%, italic%) DECLARE SUB setEffect (tileEffect() AS ANY, n AS INTEGER, ware() AS ANY) DECLARE SUB main (mapNum%) DECLARE SUB setAnim (tileAnim() AS ANY, n%) DECLARE SUB thingFindPlace (thing AS ANY, map() AS ANY, foundPlace%, ware() AS ANY, ntile%) DECLARE SUB thingHandle (thing AS ANY, thingAr() AS ANY, map() AS ANY, tileEffect() AS ANY, ware() AS ANY) DECLARE SUB thingMove (thing AS ANY, thingAr() AS ANY, map() AS ANY, tileEffect() AS ANY, ware() AS ANY) DECLARE SUB setWare (ware() AS ANY, n%) DECLARE SUB thingLooseWork (thing AS ANY) DECLARE SUB thingCell (thing AS ANY) DECLARE SUB thingRandom (thing AS ANY) DECLARE SUB cliparray (hostArray%(), newArray%(), x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%) DECLARE SUB getSprPic (picSprite%(), n1%, n2%) DECLARE SUB emptyPicMem () DECLARE SUB putButton (button() AS ANY, i%) DECLARE SUB mouseHide () DECLARE SUB getPic (picTile%(), n1%, n2%) DECLARE SUB mouseShow () DECLARE SUB mouseGet () DECLARE SUB mousePut () DECLARE SUB mouseStatus (m AS ANY) DECLARE SUB mouseDriver (ax%, bx%, cx%, dx%) DECLARE SUB setCol (n%) DECLARE SUB setPal () DECLARE SUB getPal (fileName$) DECLARE SUB setOptions (setn AS ANY) DECLARE SUB setGame (game AS ANY) DECLARE SUB setScreen (scrn AS ANY) DECLARE SUB setTile (tile AS ANY) DECLARE FUNCTION getName$ (status$) DECLARE FUNCTION thingBarrier% (X%, Y%, map() AS ANY, tileEffect() AS ANY, thing AS ANY) DECLARE FUNCTION question% (x1%, y1%, quest$, mouse AS ANY) DECLARE FUNCTION pickField% (mx%, my%, cx%, cy%, map() AS ANY, showMenu%, tileEffect() AS ANY, flagMarker AS ANY, ware() AS ANY, camTarget%, thing() AS ANY) DECLARE FUNCTION checkButton$ (button() AS ANY, mouse AS ANY) DECLARE FUNCTION form$ (i%) DECLARE FUNCTION LoadFX% (fileName$) DECLARE FUNCTION insideRect% (X%, Y%, x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%) DECLARE FUNCTION checkScreenChange% (X%, Y%, nWorld%, nObject%, nChanged%) DECLARE FUNCTION getDimSize% (X%, Y%) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' CONST root = "" '"c:\main\sprache\qb45\mine\rpg\" ' $INCLUDE: 'c:\main\sprache\qb45\mine\rpg\header.bas' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' DEFINT A-Z ' $DYNAMIC DIM soundLab(1 TO 100) AS STRING * 30 IF LoadFX("sounds.snd") <> -1 THEN BEEP ' $STATIC DIM SHARED tileValues AS worldValues DIM setting AS gameOptions setTile tileValues setOptions setting DIM SHARED mouseDat AS STRING DIM mouse AS mouseType mouseGet mousePut DIM col(byteVal) AS pal DIM screenMem(tileValues.viewx1 TO tileValues.viewx2, tileValues.viewy1 TO tileValues.viewy2) AS layer DIM SHARED byteNone AS STRING byteNone = CHR$(0) main 1 END mouseData: DATA 55,89,E5,8B,5E,0C,8B,07,50,8B,5E,0A,8B,07,50,8B,5E,08,8B,0F,8B,5E,06,8B,17,5B,58,1E,07 DATA CD,33,53,8B,5E,0C,89,07,58,8B,5E,0A,89,07,8B,5E,08,89,0F,8B,5E,06,89,17,5D,CA,08,00 SUB changeMenu (showMenu, refresh) IF showMenu > menuClear THEN tileValues.viewy1 = -1 mouseHide LINE (scrnMinX, scrnMinY)-(scrnMaxX, tileSizeY * 3 - 1), 0, BF END IF SELECT CASE showMenu CASE menuClear tileValues.viewy1 = -4 refresh = true showMenu = menuNone menuText1$ = "" menuText2$ = "" CASE menuCastle menuText1$ = "Options" menuText2$ = "" CASE menuBuild menuText1$ = "Building menu" menuText2$ = "Set a building flag" CASE menuThing menuText1$ = "Person menu" menuText2$ = "Move persons directly" END SELECT LOCATE 3, 5: COLOR TextColor + 1: PRINT menuText1$ LOCATE 4, 5: COLOR TextColor: PRINT menuText2$ IF showMenu > menuClear THEN mouseShow END SUB FUNCTION checkButton$ (button() AS buttonType, mouse AS mouseType) active$ = "none" FOR i% = 1 TO UBOUND(button) oldStatus% = button(i%).status IF insideRect(mouse.X, mouse.Y, button(i%).x1, button(i%).y1, button(i%).x2, button(i%).y2) AND mouse.left THEN button(i%).status = true ELSE button(i%).status = false END IF IF button(i%).status <> oldStatus% THEN putButton button(), i% IF button(i%).status THEN active$ = RTRIM$(LCASE$(button(i%).text)) 'EXIT FOR END IF NEXT checkButton$ = active$ END FUNCTION SUB checkClicked (mouse AS mouseType, leftReleased, rightReleased) STATIC lastLeft, lastRight IF mouse.left THEN leftReleased = false ELSEIF lastLeft THEN ' AND NOT left.right leftReleased = true END IF IF mouse.right THEN rightReleased = false ELSEIF lastRight THEN ' AND NOT mouse.right rightReleased = true END IF lastLeft = mouse.left lastRight = mouse.right END SUB SUB checkKey (keyboard$, speedUp, map() AS layer, camx, camy, castlex, castley, showMenu, mouse AS mouseType) SHARED setting AS gameOptions SELECT CASE keyboard$ CASE CHR$(27) IF question%(scrnMidX - 40, scrnMidY - 40, "Really quit", mouse) THEN setting.quit = true END IF 'setting.quit = true CASE " " speedUp = NOT speedUp '''' testing CASE CHR$(13) IF showMenu = menuNone THEN camx = castlex camy = castley END IF END SELECT END SUB SUB checkMenuBuild (button() AS buttonType, mouse AS mouseType, showMenu, refreshScreen, flagMarker AS simpleSprite, n, ware() AS wares, map() AS layer) STATIC init, house() AS menuItem IF NOT init THEN REDIM house(1) AS menuItem setHouse house(), 1 ' mapNum END IF STATIC flagChosen IF flagChosen = 0 THEN flagChosen = 1 flagMax = UBOUND(house) SELECT CASE checkButton$(button(), mouse) CASE " -->" DO flagChosen = flagChosen + 1 IF flagChosen > flagMax THEN flagChosen = 1 LOOP UNTIL house(flagChosen).flagCol <> 0 mouseHide LINE (scrnMinX, scrnMinY)-(scrnMaxX, tileSizeY * 2 - 1), 0, BF prnt 30, 10, house(flagChosen).building, 0, house(flagChosen).flagCol, false prnt 30, 21, "Job: " + house(flagChosen).job, TextColor, 0, true prnt 30, 30, "Ware: " + house(flagChosen).needs, TextColor, 0, true mouseShow CASE " <--" DO flagChosen = flagChosen - 1 IF flagChosen < 1 THEN flagChosen = flagMax LOOP UNTIL house(flagChosen).flagCol <> 0 mouseHide LINE (scrnMinX, scrnMinY)-(scrnMaxX, tileSizeY * 2 - 1), 0, BF prnt 30, 10, house(flagChosen).building, 0, house(flagChosen).flagCol, false prnt 30, 21, "Job: " + house(flagChosen).job, TextColor, 0, true prnt 30, 30, "Ware: " + house(flagChosen).needs, TextColor, 0, true mouseShow CASE "build" FOR i = LBOUND(ware) TO UBOUND(ware) IF ASC(ware(i).part) = workConstr AND ASC(ware(i).nval) = 1 AND ASC(ware(i).link) = flagChosen THEN EXIT FOR END IF NEXT map(flagMarker.X, flagMarker.Y).world = CHR$(i) showMenu = menuClear changeMenu showMenu, refreshScreen END SELECT END SUB SUB checkMenuCastle (button() AS buttonType, mouse AS mouseType, showMenu, refreshScreen, map() AS layer) SHARED setting AS gameOptions SELECT CASE checkButton$(button(), mouse) CASE "sound" = NOT CASE "music" setting.bgMusic = NOT setting.bgMusic CASE "show" setting.showPicked = NOT setting.showPicked CASE "pause" fade -fadeMax sleepClick 0, mouse fade fadeMax CASE "save" IF question%(scrnMidX - 40, scrnMidY - 40, "Overwrite old", mouse) THEN ' END IF CASE "load" IF question%(scrnMidX - 40, scrnMidY - 40, "Exit old game", mouse) THEN ' END IF CASE " new" IF question%(scrnMidX - 40, scrnMidY - 40, "Exit old game", mouse) THEN 'setting.quit = true END IF CASE "quit" IF question%(scrnMidX - 40, scrnMidY - 40, "Really quit", mouse) THEN setting.quit = true END IF END SELECT END SUB SUB checkMenuThing (button() AS buttonType, mouse AS mouseType, showMenu, refreshScreen, thing() AS sprite, camera AS simpleSprite) SELECT CASE checkButton$(button(), mouse) CASE " -->" DO IF + 1 <= UBOUND(thing) THEN = + 1 ELSE = LBOUND(thing) END IF LOOP UNTIL thing( refreshMenu = true CASE " <--" DO IF - 1 >= LBOUND(thing) THEN = - 1 ELSE = UBOUND(thing) END IF LOOP UNTIL thing( refreshMenu = true END SELECT STATIC refresher refresher = refresher + 1 IF refreshMenu OR refresher = 100 THEN refresher = 0 LINE (scrnMinX, scrnMinY)-(scrnMaxX, tileSizeY * 2 - 1), 0, BF prnt 30, 10, RTRIM$(thing(, 0, TextColor + 1, false SELECT CASE ASC(thing( CASE classWorker: class$ = "Worker" CASE classSoldier: class$ = "Soldier" CASE classWizard: class$ = "Wizard" CASE classPriest: class$ = "Priest" END SELECT SELECT CASE ASC(thing( CASE 0: carries$ = "nothing" CASE ELSE: carries$ = "bag" ''' END SELECT prnt 30, 21, "Class: " + class$, TextColor, 0, true prnt 30, 30, "Carries: " + carries$, TextColor, 0, true END IF END SUB FUNCTION checkScreenChange (X, Y, nWorld, nObject, nChanged) SHARED screenMem() AS layer IF screenMem(X, Y).world <> CHR$(nWorld) OR screenMem(X, Y).object <> CHR$(nObject) OR (nObject <> 0 AND nChanged) THEN screenMem(X, Y).world = CHR$(nWorld) screenMem(X, Y).object = CHR$(nObject) changed = true ELSE changed = false END IF checkScreenChange = changed END FUNCTION SUB clearPrint (Char$, X, Y, TextColor) STATIC DIM E(7): E(0) = 1: FOR F = 1 TO 7: E(F) = E(F - 1) + E(F - 1): NEXT F X = X - 1: IF X = 319 THEN X = 160 - (4 * LEN(Char$)) DEF SEG = &HFFA6 FOR A = 1 TO LEN(Char$) X = X + 8 D = ASC(UCASE$(MID$(Char$, A, 1))) * 8 + 14 FOR B = 0 TO 7 FOR C = 0 TO 7 IF PEEK(B + D) AND E(C) THEN PSET (X - C, Y + B), TextColor NEXT C NEXT B NEXT A END SUB SUB cliparray (hostArray%(), newArray%(), x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%) HostWidth% = hostArray%(0) \ 8 NewWidth% = x2% - x1% + 1 newArray%(0) = NewWidth% * 8 newArray%(1) = y2% - y1% + 1 HostSeg% = VARSEG(hostArray%(0)) HostOff% = VARPTR(hostArray%(0)) NewSeg% = VARSEG(newArray%(0)) NewOff% = VARPTR(newArray%(0)) FOR i% = y1% TO y2% HostI% = i% * HostWidth% NewI% = (i% - y1%) * NewWidth% FOR J% = x1% TO x2% DEF SEG = HostSeg% byte% = PEEK(HostOff% + 4 + HostI% + J%) DEF SEG = NewSeg% POKE NewOff% + 4 + NewI% + (J% - x1%), byte% NEXT J% NEXT i% DEF SEG END SUB SUB emptyPicMem SHARED screenMem() AS layer FOR X = tileValues.viewx1 TO tileValues.viewx2 FOR Y = tileValues.viewy1 TO tileValues.viewy2 screenMem(X, Y).world = byteNone screenMem(X, Y).object = byteNone NEXT NEXT END SUB SUB fade (value AS INTEGER) SHARED col() AS pal DIM i AS INTEGER, n AS INTEGER, clock AS SINGLE fadeVal! = .9 IF SGN(value) = -1 THEN FOR n = 0 TO ABS(value) FOR i = 0 TO byteVal col(i).red = col(i).red * fadeVal! col(i).green = col(i).green * fadeVal! col(i).blue = col(i).blue * fadeVal! NEXT clock = TIMER: DO UNTIL clock + .001 - TIMER <= 0: LOOP FOR nn% = 0 TO byteVal setCol nn% NEXT NEXT ELSE FOR n = 0 TO value FOR i = 0 TO byteVal col(i).red = col(i).red / fadeVal! col(i).green = col(i).green / fadeVal! col(i).blue = col(i).blue / fadeVal! NEXT clock = TIMER: DO UNTIL clock + .001 - TIMER <= 0: LOOP FOR nn% = 0 TO byteVal setCol nn% NEXT NEXT END IF END SUB FUNCTION form$ (i) form$ = RTRIM$(LTRIM$(STR$(i))) END FUNCTION FUNCTION getDimSize (X, Y) getDimSize = (X * Y + 4) \ 2 END FUNCTION FUNCTION getName$ (status$) OPEN root + "data\names.dat" FOR INPUT AS #1 DO WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, dummy$ names% = names% + 1 LOOP CLOSE #1 names% = RND * (names%) OPEN root + "data\names.dat" FOR INPUT AS #1 FOR i% = 1 TO names% INPUT #1, dummy$ NEXT nameOf$ = dummy$ CLOSE #1 names% = 0 OPEN root + "data\snames_" + LEFT$(status$, 1) + ".dat" FOR INPUT AS #1 DO WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, dummy$ names% = names% + 1 LOOP CLOSE #1 names% = RND * (names%) OPEN root + "data\snames_" + LEFT$(status$, 1) + ".dat" FOR INPUT AS #1 FOR i% = 1 TO names% INPUT #1, dummy$ NEXT snameOf$ = dummy$ CLOSE #1 getName$ = nameOf$ + " " + snameOf$ END FUNCTION SUB getPal (fileName$) SHARED col() AS pal OPEN root + "pic\" + fileName$ + ".pal" FOR INPUT AS #1 FOR i = 1 TO 3 LINE INPUT #1, dummy$ NEXT FOR n = 0 TO byteVal INPUT #1, dummy2 col(n).red = dummy2 \ 4 INPUT #1, dummy2 col(n).green = dummy2 \ 4 INPUT #1, dummy2 col(n).blue = dummy2 \ 4 NEXT CLOSE #1 col(15).red = 58 col(15).green = 58 col(15).blue = 58 END SUB SUB getPic (picTile(), n1, n2) DIM picTmp(UBOUND(picTile)) DEF SEG = VARSEG(picTmp(0)) BLOAD root + "pic\tile\tle_" + form$(n1) + ".GRH", VARPTR(picTmp(0)) DEF SEG FOR i = 0 TO UBOUND(picTile) picTile(i, n2) = picTmp(i) NEXT END SUB SUB getSprPic (picSprite(), n1, n2) DIM picTmp(UBOUND(picSprite)) DIM abbr$(back2), extn$(layerSprt) abbr$(left1) = "lf1" abbr$(left2) = "lf2" abbr$(rght1) = "rt1" abbr$(rght2) = "rt2" abbr$(frnt1) = "fr1" abbr$(frnt2) = "fr2" abbr$(back1) = "bk1" abbr$(back2) = "bk2" extn$(layerMask) = "m" extn$(layerSprt) = "" FOR direction = left1 TO back2 FOR layerType = layerMask TO layerSprt DEF SEG = VARSEG(picTmp(0)) fileName$ = "pic\sprite\" + form$(n1) + "_" + abbr$(direction) + extn$(layerType) + ".GRH" BLOAD root + fileName$, VARPTR(picTmp(0)) DEF SEG FOR i = 0 TO UBOUND(picTmp) picSprite(i, n2, direction, layerType) = picTmp(i) NEXT NEXT NEXT END SUB SUB handleCamera (camera AS simpleSprite, X, Y, speedUp, refresh, showMenu, thing() AS sprite) SHARED setting AS gameOptions camera.spdy = 0 camera.spdx = 0 IF showMenu = menuNone THEN IF X <= scrnMinX + camBorder THEN camera.spdx = -1 ELSEIF X >= scrnMaxX - camBorder THEN camera.spdx = 1 END IF IF Y <= scrnMinY + camBorder THEN camera.spdy = -1 ELSEIF Y >= scrnMaxY - camBorder THEN camera.spdy = 1 END IF IF (X <= scrnMinX + camSpeedUpBorder) OR (X >= scrnMaxX - camSpeedUpBorder) OR (Y <= scrnMinY + camSpeedUpBorder) OR (Y >= scrnMaxY - camSpeedUpBorder) THEN camera.spdx = camera.spdx * 2 camera.spdy = camera.spdy * 2 END IF ELSEIF showMenu = menuThing THEN targetx = thing( + thing( * 4 ' lookAhead cam targety = thing( - 2 + thing( * 2 'targetx = thing( ' centering target cam 'targety = thing( IF camera.X < targetx THEN camera.spdx = 1 ELSEIF camera.X > targetx THEN camera.spdx = -1 END IF IF camera.Y < targety THEN camera.spdy = 1 ELSEIF camera.Y > targety THEN camera.spdy = -1 END IF END IF IF camera.X + camera.spdx < -tileValues.limx - tileValues.viewx1 THEN crossx = true ELSEIF camera.X + camera.spdx > tileValues.limx - tileValues.viewx2 THEN crossx = true ELSE camera.X = camera.X + camera.spdx END IF IF camera.Y + camera.spdy < -tileValues.limy - tileValues.viewy1 THEN crossy = true ELSEIF camera.Y + camera.spdy > tileValues.limy - tileValues.viewy2 THEN crossy = true ELSE camera.Y = camera.Y + camera.spdy END IF IF refresh OR (camera.spdx <> 0 OR camera.spdy <> 0) THEN refresh = false emptyPicMem END IF IF THEN playSound "", true, camera.X, camera.Y END SUB FUNCTION insideRect (X%, Y%, x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%) IF X% >= x1% AND X% <= x2% AND Y% >= y1% AND Y% <= y2% THEN insideRect = true ELSE insideRect = false END IF END FUNCTION FUNCTION LoadFX (fileName$) SHARED soundLab() AS STRING * 30 OPEN root + fileName$ FOR BINARY AS #1 IF LOF(1) = 0 THEN LoadFX = 0: CLOSE #1: EXIT FUNCTION DIM id AS STRING * 4 GET #1, , id IF MID$(id, 1, 2) <> "SL" THEN LoadFX = 1: CLOSE #1: EXIT FUNCTION IF MID$(id, 3, 2) <> "10" THEN LoadFX = 2: CLOSE #1: EXIT FUNCTION GET #1, , NumSound REDIM soundLab(1 TO NumSound) AS STRING * 30 FOR i = 1 TO NumSound GET #1, , soundLab(i) temp$ = SPACE$(20) GET #1, , temp$ NEXT i CLOSE #1 LoadFX = -1 END FUNCTION SUB main (mapNum) SHARED setting AS gameOptions DIM map(-tileValues.limx TO tileValues.limx, -tileValues.limy TO tileValues.limy) AS layer DIM thing(1 TO 20) AS sprite, tileEffect(byteVal) AS byte, ware(byteVal) AS wares DIM flagMarker AS simpleSprite setWare ware(), mapNum setEffect tileEffect(), mapNum, ware() getPal "def" SCREEN scrnNum setPal fade -fadeMax BLOAD root + "pic\title\title.grh" fade fadeMax setMap map(), mapNum, ware(), tileEffect(), castlex, castley RANDOMIZE TIMER setThing thing(), castlex, castley ' $DYNAMIC DIM button(1) AS buttonType SHARED mouse AS mouseType fade -fadeMax DIM camera AS simpleSprite camera.X = castlex: camera.Y = castley mouseShow refreshScreen = true FOR n = LBOUND(thing) TO UBOUND(thing) IF thing(n).active THEN thingHandle thing(n), thing(), map(), tileEffect(), ware() NEXT show (camera.X), (camera.Y), map(), thing(), tileEffect() fade fadeMax DO clock! = TIMER checkKey INKEY$, speedUp, map(), camera.X, camera.Y, castlex, castley, showMenu, mouse mouseStatus mouse checkClicked mouse, leftReleased, rightReleased IF leftReleased THEN leftReleased = false IF showMenu = menuNone OR showMenu = menuThing THEN pickObject (mouse.X), (mouse.Y), (camera.X), (camera.Y), map(), thing(), showMenu, ( END IF ELSEIF rightReleased THEN rightReleased = false IF showMenu > menuNone THEN showMenu = menuClear ELSE showMenu = pickField((mouse.X), (mouse.Y), (camera.X), (camera.Y), map(), showMenu, tileEffect(), flagMarker, ware(),, thing()) END IF changeMenu showMenu, refreshScreen setButtons button(), showMenu END IF SELECT CASE showMenu CASE menuNone CASE menuClear changeMenu showMenu, refreshScreen setButtons button(), showMenu CASE menuThing checkMenuThing button(), mouse, showMenu, refreshScreen, thing(), camera CASE menuBuild checkMenuBuild button(), mouse, showMenu, refreshScreen, flagMarker, mapNum, ware(), map() CASE menuCastle checkMenuCastle button(), mouse, showMenu, refreshScreen, map() END SELECT IF setting.bgMusic THEN IF RND * 50 > 48 THEN playSound "tone bg", false, (camera.X), (camera.Y) IF RND * 20 > 18 THEN playSound "tone", false, (camera.X), (camera.Y) END IF FOR n = LBOUND(thing) TO UBOUND(thing) IF thing(n).active THEN thingHandle thing(n), thing(), map(), tileEffect(), ware() NEXT handleCamera camera, (mouse.X), (mouse.Y), speedUp, refreshScreen, showMenu, thing() show (camera.X), (camera.Y), map(), thing(), tileEffect() DO UNTIL clock! + .001 - TIMER <= 0 OR speedUp: LOOP ''' LOOP UNTIL setting.quit fade -fadeMax SCREEN 1 PRINT "(C) 1997 by Philipp Lenssen" + CHR$(13) + "(" SLEEP 2 END SUB REM $STATIC SUB mouseDriver (ax%, bx%, cx%, dx%) DEF SEG = VARSEG(mouseDat) mouse% = SADD(mouseDat) CALL Absolute(ax%, bx%, cx%, dx%, mouse%) END SUB SUB mouseGet mouseDat = SPACE$(57) RESTORE mouseData FOR i% = 1 TO 57 READ A$ H$ = CHR$(VAL("&H" + A$)) MID$(mouseDat, i%, 1) = H$ NEXT END SUB SUB mouseHide ax% = 2 mouseDriver ax%, 0, 0, 0 END SUB SUB mousePut ax% = 4 cx% = X% dx% = Y% mouseDriver ax%, 0, cx%, dx% END SUB SUB mouseShow ax% = 1 mouseDriver ax%, 0, 0, 0 END SUB SUB mouseStatus (m AS mouseType) lb% = m.left RB% = m.right xMouse% = m.X yMouse% = m.Y ax% = 3 mouseDriver ax%, bx%, cx%, dx% lb% = ((bx% AND 1) <> 0) RB% = ((bx% AND 2) <> 0) xMouse% = cx% yMouse% = dx% m.left = ABS(lb%) m.right = ABS(RB%) m.X = xMouse% \ 2 m.Y = yMouse% END SUB FUNCTION pickField (mx, my, cx, cy, map() AS layer, showMenu, tileEffect() AS byte, flagMarker AS simpleSprite, ware() AS wares, camTarget, thing() AS sprite) IF showMenu > menuNone THEN offy = -3 tx = mx \ tileSizeX + cx + tileValues.viewx1 ty = my \ tileSizeY + cy + tileValues.viewy1 + offy '''showmenu=menuNone SELECT CASE ASC(ware(ASC(map(tx, ty).world)).part) CASE workConstr ''' leaves wrong grass map(tx, ty).world = CHR$(11) pickField = menuClear CASE workCastle pickField = menuCastle CASE ELSE IF ASC(map(tx, ty).object) = 0 THEN tileSpace = 2 ' needed space around a building insideX = (tx >= -tileValues.limx + tileSpace AND tx <= tileValues.limx - tileSpace) insideY = (ty >= -tileValues.limy + tileSpace AND ty <= tileValues.limy - tileSpace) buildingPlace = true IF insideX AND insideY THEN FOR ax = -tileSpace TO tileSpace FOR ay = -tileSpace TO tileSpace IF NOT ASC(tileEffect(ASC(map(tx + ax, ty + ay).world)).B) = effectNone THEN buildingPlace = false EXIT FOR END IF NEXT NEXT END IF IF buildingPlace THEN flagMarker.X = tx flagMarker.Y = ty pickField = menuBuild ELSE pickField = menuClear END IF ELSE camTarget = ASC(map(tx, ty).object) pickField = menuThing END IF END SELECT END FUNCTION SUB pickObject (mx, my, cx, cy, map() AS layer, thing() AS sprite, showMenu, camTarget) IF showMenu > menuNone THEN offy = -3 tx = mx \ tileSizeX + cx + tileValues.viewx1 ty = my \ tileSizeY + cy + tileValues.viewy1 + offy IF showMenu = menuThing THEN IF my > tileSizeY * 3 THEN inView = true ''' ELSE ' IF showMenu = menuNone inView = true END IF IF inView THEN n = ASC(map(tx, ty).object) IF NOT n = 0 THEN IF showMenu <> menuThing THEN IF thing(n).player THEN thing(n).picked = NOT thing(n).picked ''' else attack enemy thing(n).changed = true END IF END IF ELSEIF showMenu = menuThing THEN thing(camTarget).targetx1 = tx thing(camTarget).targety1 = ty thing(camTarget).tfollow = 1 ELSE IF showMenu <> menuThing THEN FOR i = LBOUND(thing) TO UBOUND(thing) IF thing(i).picked THEN thing(i).picked = false thing(i).targetx1 = tx thing(i).targety1 = ty 'thing(i).targetx2 = 0 'thing(i).targety2 = 0 thing(i).tfollow = 1 thing(i).bag = byteNone ''' IF thing(i).class = CHR$(classWorker) THEN thing(i).body = 1 ''' thing(i).working = 0 thing(i).lazy = gameLazyDefault 'thing(i).spdx = 0 'thing(i).spdy = 0 'thing(i).dirx = 0 'thing(i).diry = 0 END IF NEXT END IF END IF END IF END SUB SUB playFX (Num) SHARED soundLab() AS STRING * 30 FOR i = 1 TO 15 OUT &H388, ASC(MID$(soundLab(Num), (i * 2) - 1, 1)) FOR ii = 1 TO 6: temp = INP(&H388): NEXT ii OUT &H389, ASC(MID$(soundLab(Num), (i * 2))) FOR ii = 1 TO 35: temp = INP(&H388): NEXT ii NEXT i END SUB SUB playSound (nameOf AS STRING, playNow, X, Y) STATIC sounds() AS pointer, init IF NOT init THEN REDIM sounds(1 TO 15) AS pointer init = true END IF STATIC n IF playNow THEN n = 0 FOR i = LBOUND(sounds) TO UBOUND(sounds) IF sounds(i).nameOf = "" THEN EXIT FOR checkCamera = true soundNr = 0 SELECT CASE RTRIM$(sounds(i).nameOf) CASE "step" IF RND * 10 > 5 THEN soundNr = 6 ELSE soundNr = 7 END IF CASE "hacking wood" IF RND * 10 > 5 THEN soundNr = 5 ELSE soundNr = 14 END IF CASE "mine work" IF RND * 10 > 5 THEN soundNr = 3 ELSE soundNr = 4 END IF CASE "lost work" soundNr = 0 CASE "tone" soundNr = 8 + RND * 5 CASE "tone bg" soundNr = 15 + RND * 5 CASE "constructing" soundNr = 0 CASE "constructed" soundNr = 0 CASE "barrier ahead" soundNr = 0 CASE "put to bag" soundNr = 0 CASE "thing move" soundNr = 0 CASE "drop bag content" soundNr = 0 CASE "menu" soundNr = 1 checkCamera = false CASE "starting" soundNr = 0 checkCamera = false CASE "finish" soundNr = 0 checkCamera = false END SELECT IF soundNr > 0 THEN IF checkCamera THEN insideX = (sounds(i).X >= X + tileValues.viewx1 AND sounds(i).X <= X + tileValues.viewx2) insideY = (sounds(i).Y >= Y + tileValues.viewy1 AND sounds(i).Y <= Y + tileValues.viewy2) IF insideX AND insideY THEN heard = true ELSE heard = true END IF IF heard AND soundNr > 0 THEN playFX soundNr ''' END IF sounds(i).nameOf = "" NEXT ELSE IF n < UBOUND(sounds) THEN n = n + 1 sounds(n).X = X sounds(n).Y = Y sounds(n).nameOf = nameOf END IF END IF END SUB SUB prnt (px%, py%, sent$, foreCol%, backCol%, italic) COLOR 1 sent$ = UCASE$(RTRIM$(sent$)) LOCATE 1: PRINT sent$ FOR X% = -1 TO scrnLtrSizeX * LEN(sent$) FOR Y% = -1 TO scrnLtrSizeY col% = POINT(X%, Y%) IF italic THEN ax% = scrnLtrSzy \ 2 - Y% \ 2 IF col% > 0 THEN PSET (px% + X% + ax%, py% + Y%), foreCol% ELSE PSET (px% + X% + ax%, py% + Y%), backCol% END IF NEXT NEXT COLOR 25 LOCATE 1: PRINT SPACE$(LEN(sent$)) END SUB SUB putButton (button() AS buttonType, i%) IF button(i%).baseCol = 0 THEN baseCol% = 20 ELSE baseCol% = button(i%).baseCol END IF IF button(i%).status THEN foreCol% = baseCol% + 4: backCol% = baseCol% + 3 ELSE foreCol% = baseCol% + 2: backCol% = baseCol% + 1 END IF mouseHide LINE (button(i%).x1, button(i%).y1)-(button(i%).x2, button(i%).y2), backCol%, BF 'prnt button(i%).x1 + 2 + offx%, button(i%).y1 + 2 + offy%, button(i%).text, foreCol%, backCol%, false clearPrint button(i%).text, button(i%).x1 + 2 + offx%, button(i%).y1 + 2 + offy%, foreCol% LINE (button(i%).x1, button(i%).y1)-(button(i%).x2 + 1, button(i%).y2), baseCol%, B mouseShow playSound "menu", false, 0, 0 END SUB FUNCTION question% (x1%, y1%, quest$, mouse AS mouseType) DIM box AS rect box.x1 = x1%: box.y1 = y1%: box.x2 = box.x1 + 140: box.y2 = box.y1 + 30 dimSize% = getDimSize%(box.x2 - box.x1, box.y2 - box.y1) DIM pic%(dimSize% * 2) DIM button(2) AS buttonType button(1).baseCol = TextColor - 1 button(1).x1 = box.x1 + 3 button(1).y1 = box.y2 - 12 button(1).x2 = button(1).x1 + 30 button(1).y2 = button(1).y1 + 10 button(1).text = "ok" button(1).status = -2 button(2).baseCol = TextColor - 1 button(2).x1 = box.x1 + 3 + 64 button(2).y1 = box.y2 - 12 button(2).x2 = button(2).x1 + 64 button(2).y2 = button(2).y1 + 10 button(2).text = "cancel" button(2).status = -2 mouseHide GET (box.x1, box.y1)-(box.x2, box.y2), pic% LINE (box.x1, box.y1)-(box.x2, box.y2), TextColor - 1, BF LINE (box.x1, box.y1)-(box.x2, box.y2), TextColor, B 'prnt box.x1 + 2 + 4, box.y1 + 2, quest$ + "?", TextColor + 1, TextColor - 1, true clearPrint quest$ + "?", box.x1 + 2 + 4, box.y1 + 2, TextColor + 1 mouseShow DO mouseStatus mouse status$ = checkButton$(button(), mouse) keyPressed$ = INKEY$ LOOP UNTIL status$ <> "none" OR keyPressed$ <> "" mouseHide PUT (box.x1, box.y1), pic%, PSET mouseShow IF status$ = "ok" OR keyPressed$ = CHR$(13) THEN question% = true ELSE 'IF status$ = "cancel" or keyPressed$ = CHR$(27) THEN question% = false END IF END FUNCTION SUB setAnim (tileAnim() AS animation, n) FOR ntile = LBOUND(tileAnim) TO UBOUND(tileAnim) tileAnim(ntile).cell = byteNone NEXT OPEN root + "map\anim" + form$(n) + ".dat" FOR INPUT AS #1 DO WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, ntile, nanim, speed tileAnim(ntile).cell = CHR$(nanim) tileAnim(ntile).speed = CHR$(speed) LOOP CLOSE #1 END SUB SUB setButtons (button() AS buttonType, menuType) SELECT CASE menuType CASE menuNone REDIM button(1) AS buttonType CASE menuCastle REDIM button(1 TO 8) AS buttonType FOR i = LBOUND(button) TO UBOUND(button) button(i).baseCol = TextColor - 1 offy = 0 SELECT CASE i CASE 1: buttonText$ = "sound": offy = -12 CASE 2: buttonText$ = "music": offx = offx - 50 CASE 3: buttonText$ = "show": offy = -12 CASE 4: buttonText$ = "pause": offx = offx - 50 CASE 5: buttonText$ = "save": offy = -24 CASE 6: buttonText$ = "load": offy = -12: offx = offx - 50 CASE 7: buttonText$ = " new": offx = offx - 50 CASE 8: buttonText$ = "quit" END SELECT button(i).x1 = 50 * i - 39 + offx + 20 button(i).y1 = 41 + offy button(i).text = buttonText$ button(i).x2 = button(i).x1 + scrnLtrSizeX * LEN(button(i).text) + 2 + -25 button(i).y2 = button(i).y1 + scrnLtrSizeY + 2 NEXT CASE menuBuild REDIM button(1 TO 3) AS buttonType FOR i = LBOUND(button) TO UBOUND(button) button(i).baseCol = 41 button(i).x1 = 50 * i - 20 button(i).y1 = 41 SELECT CASE i CASE 1: buttonText$ = " <--" CASE 2: buttonText$ = " -->" CASE 3: buttonText$ = "build" END SELECT button(i).text = buttonText$ button(i).x2 = button(i).x1 + scrnLtrSizeX * LEN(button(i).text) + 2 + -25 button(i).y2 = button(i).y1 + scrnLtrSizeY + 2 NEXT CASE menuThing REDIM button(1 TO 2) AS buttonType FOR i = LBOUND(button) TO UBOUND(button) button(i).baseCol = 41 button(i).x1 = 50 * i - 20 button(i).y1 = 41 SELECT CASE i CASE 1: buttonText$ = " <--" CASE 2: buttonText$ = " -->" END SELECT button(i).text = buttonText$ button(i).x2 = button(i).x1 + scrnLtrSizeX * LEN(button(i).text) + 2 + -25 button(i).y2 = button(i).y1 + scrnLtrSizeY + 2 NEXT END SELECT FOR i = LBOUND(button) TO UBOUND(button) button(i).status = -2 NEXT END SUB SUB setCol (n) SHARED col() AS pal OUT &H3C8, n OUT &H3C9, INT(col(n).red) OUT &H3C9, INT(col(n).green) OUT &H3C9, INT(col(n).blue) END SUB SUB setEffect (tileEffect() AS byte, n AS INTEGER, ware() AS wares) FOR i = LBOUND(tileEffect) TO UBOUND(tileEffect) IF ware(i).part <> byteNone THEN tileEffect(i).B = CHR$(effectWork) ELSE tileEffect(i).B = CHR$(effectNone) END IF NEXT OPEN root + "map\effect" + form$(n) + ".dat" FOR INPUT AS #1 DO WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, tilen, effectN tileEffect(tilen).B = CHR$(effectN) LOOP CLOSE #1 END SUB SUB setHouse (house() AS menuItem, n) OPEN root + "map\menu" + form$(n) + ".dat" FOR INPUT AS #1 INPUT #1, flagMax REDIM house(flagMax) AS menuItem DO INPUT #1, i INPUT #1, house(i).building, house(i).needs, house(i).job, house(i).flagCol LOOP UNTIL i = flagMax CLOSE #1 END SUB SUB setMap (map() AS layer, nr, ware() AS wares, tileEffect() AS byte, castlex, castley) OPEN root + "map\map_" + form$(nr) + ".mpx" FOR BINARY AS #1 FOR X = LBOUND(map) TO UBOUND(map) FOR Y = LBOUND(map, 2) TO UBOUND(map, 2) GET #1, , map(X, Y).world IF ASC(tileEffect(ASC(map(X, Y).world)).B) = effectWork THEN nWorld = ASC(map(X, Y).world) IF ASC(ware(nWorld).part) = workCastle AND ASC(ware(nWorld).link) = 3 THEN castlex = X - 1 castley = Y + 1 END IF END IF NEXT NEXT CLOSE #1 END SUB SUB setOptions (setn AS gameOptions) = true setn.bgMusic = false setn.showPicked = true END SUB SUB setPal FOR i = 0 TO byteVal setCol i NEXT END SUB SUB setPicLink (picLink() AS picPointer) FOR i = LBOUND(picLink) TO UBOUND(picLink) picLink(i).tle = byteNone picLink(i).spr = byteNone NEXT END SUB SUB setThing (thing() AS sprite, castlex, castley) FOR n = LBOUND(thing) TO UBOUND(thing) thing(n).X = castlex + n - 1 thing(n).Y = castley thing(n).spdx = 0 thing(n).spdy = 0 thing(n).tfollow = 1'0 thing(n).bag = byteNone thing(n).cell = 0 thing(n).body = 4 thing(n).numb = n thing(n).player = true thing(n).lazy = 1 IF n <= 4 THEN thing(n).active = true ''' thing(n).targetx1 = thing(n).X thing(n).targety1 = thing(n).Y thing(n).nameOf = getName$("good") thing(n).class = CHR$(classWorker) NEXT END SUB SUB setTile (tile AS worldValues) tile.viewx1 = -7 tile.viewy1 = -4 tile.viewx2 = 8 tile.viewy2 = 5 tile.limx = 90 tile.limy = 70 END SUB SUB setWare (ware() AS wares, n) FOR i = LBOUND(ware) TO UBOUND(ware) ware(i).part = byteNone ware(i).link = byteNone ware(i).nval = byteNone NEXT OPEN root + "map\work" + form$(n) + ".dat" FOR INPUT AS #1 DO WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, ntile, ntype, nlink, nval ware(ntile).part = CHR$(ntype) ware(ntile).link = CHR$(nlink) ware(ntile).nval = CHR$(nval) LOOP CLOSE #1 END SUB SUB show (camx, camy, map() AS layer, thing() AS sprite, tileEffect() AS byte) SHARED setting AS gameOptions STATIC init, picMem(), picSprMem(), tileAnim() AS animation, picTile(), picSprite(), picLink() AS picPointer IF NOT init THEN init = true dimSize = getDimSize(tileSizeX, tileSizeY) REDIM picLink(byteVal) AS picPointer REDIM picTile(dimSize, 1 TO gameTiles) REDIM picSprite(dimSize, 1 TO gameSprites, left1 TO back2, layerMask TO layerSprt) REDIM picMem(UBOUND(picTile, 2)) REDIM picSprMem(UBOUND(picSprite, 2)) REDIM tileAnim(byteVal) AS animation setAnim tileAnim(), 1 ' mapNum setPicLink picLink() END IF DIM picTmp(UBOUND(picTile)), picTmp2(UBOUND(picTile)) STATIC picIndex, picSprIndex FOR X = tileValues.viewx1 TO tileValues.viewx2 FOR Y = tileValues.viewy1 TO tileValues.viewy2 nWorld = ASC(map(camx + X, camy + Y).world) ntilew$ = tileAnim(ASC(map(camx + X, camy + Y).world)).cell IF NOT ntilew$ = byteNone THEN IF RND * 100 > 98 \ ASC(tileAnim(nWorld).speed) THEN map(camx + X, camy + Y).world = ntilew$ END IF END IF numbr = ASC(map(camx + X, camy + Y).object) IF numbr <> 0 THEN nObject = thing(numbr).body ELSE nObject = 0 END IF IF numbr <> 0 THEN changed = thing(numbr).changed ELSE changed = false END IF IF checkScreenChange(X, Y, nWorld, numbr, changed) THEN IF NOT mouseHidden THEN mouseHide mouseHidden = true END IF IF NOT picLink(nWorld).tle = byteNone THEN newn = ASC(picLink(nWorld).tle) ELSE IF picIndex < UBOUND(picTile, 2) THEN picIndex = picIndex + 1 ELSE picIndex = LBOUND(picTile, 2) END IF i = picIndex getPic picTile(), nWorld, i picLink(picMem(i)).tle = byteNone picMem(i) = nWorld picLink(nWorld).tle = CHR$(i) newn = i END IF PUT (scrnMidX + X * tileSizeX + offx, scrnMidY + Y * tileSizeY + offy), picTile(0, newn), PSET IF nObject <> 0 THEN IF NOT picLink(nObject).spr = byteNone THEN newn = ASC(picLink(nObject).spr) ELSE IF picSprIndex < UBOUND(picSprite, 2) THEN picSprIndex = picSprIndex + 1 ELSE picSprIndex = LBOUND(picSprite, 2) END IF i = picSprIndex getSprPic picSprite(), nObject, i picLink(picSprMem(i)).spr = byteNone picSprMem(i) = nObject picLink(nObject).spr = CHR$(i) newn = i END IF IF thing(numbr).lazy <> 0 THEN offxs = tileSizeX - thing(numbr).lazy * (tileSizeX \ gameLazyDefault) offys = tileSizeY - thing(numbr).lazy * (tileSizeY \ gameLazyDefault) ELSE offxs = 0 offys = 0 END IF screenx = scrnMidX + X * tileSizeX + thing(numbr).spdx * offxs screeny = scrnMidY + Y * tileSizeY + thing(numbr).spdy * offys IF setting.showPicked AND thing(numbr).picked THEN IF ASC(tileEffect(nWorld).B) = effectHide THEN ySubtr = -4 ELSE ySubtr = 0 END IF LINE (scrnMidX + X * tileSizeX + offx + thing(numbr).spdx * offxs, scrnMidY + Y * tileSizeY + offy + thing(numbr).spdy * offys)-STEP(tileSizeX - 1, tileSizeY - 1 + ySubtr), 0, B LINE (scrnMidX + X * tileSizeX + offx + 2 + thing(numbr).spdx * offxs, scrnMidY + Y * tileSizeY + offy + 2 + thing(numbr).spdy * offys)-STEP(tileSizeX - 5, tileSizeY - 5 + ySubtr), 0, B LINE (scrnMidX + X * tileSizeX + offx + 1 + thing(numbr).spdx * offxs, scrnMidY + Y * tileSizeY + offy + 1 + thing(numbr).spdy * offys)-STEP(tileSizeX - 3, tileSizeY - 3 + ySubtr), byteVal, B END IF borderTile = (X = tileValues.viewx1 OR X = tileValues.viewx2) borderTile = borderTile OR (Y = tileValues.viewy1 OR Y = tileValues.viewy2) IF borderTile AND thing(numbr).lazy <> 0 OR ASC(tileEffect(nWorld).B) = effectHide THEN IF X = tileValues.viewx1 AND SGN(thing(numbr).spdx) = -1 THEN ' left clipx1 = offxs clipx2 = tileSizeX - 1 screenx = scrnMidX + X * tileSizeX ' -> 0 ELSEIF X = tileValues.viewx2 AND SGN(thing(numbr).spdx) = 1 THEN ' right clipx1 = 0 clipx2 = tileSizeX - offxs - 1 ELSE clipx1 = 0 clipx2 = tileSizeX - 1 END IF IF Y = tileValues.viewy1 AND SGN(thing(numbr).spdy) = -1 THEN ' top clipy1 = offys clipy2 = tileSizeY - 1 screeny = scrnMidY + Y * tileSizeY ELSEIF Y = tileValues.viewy2 AND SGN(thing(numbr).spdy) = 1 THEN ' bottom clipy1 = 0 clipy2 = tileSizeY - offys - 1 ELSE clipy1 = 0 clipy2 = tileSizeY - 1 END IF IF ASC(tileEffect(nWorld).B) = effectHide THEN IF clipy2 > tileSizeY \ 2 + 2 THEN clipy2 = tileSizeY \ 2 + 2 END IF FOR pxl = 0 TO UBOUND(picTmp) picTmp(pxl) = picSprite(pxl, newn, thing(numbr).cell, layerMask) NEXT cliparray picTmp(), picTmp2(), clipx1, clipy1, clipx2, clipy2 PUT (screenx, screeny), picTmp2(0), AND FOR pxl = 0 TO UBOUND(picTmp) picTmp(pxl) = picSprite(pxl, newn, thing(numbr).cell, layerSprt) NEXT cliparray picTmp(), picTmp2(), clipx1, clipy1, clipx2, clipy2 PUT (screenx, screeny), picTmp2(0), OR ELSE PUT (screenx, screeny), picSprite(0, newn, thing(numbr).cell, layerMask), AND PUT (screenx, screeny), picSprite(0, newn, thing(numbr).cell, layerSprt), OR END IF thing(numbr).changed = false IF setting.showPicked AND thing(numbr).picked THEN LINE (scrnMidX + X * tileSizeX + offx + thing(numbr).spdx * offxs, scrnMidY + Y * tileSizeY + offy + tileSizeY - 1 + ySubtr + thing(numbr).spdy * offys)-STEP(tileSizeX - 1, 0), 0', B LINE (scrnMidX + X * tileSizeX + offx + 2 + thing(numbr).spdx * offxs, scrnMidY + Y * tileSizeY + offy + 2 + tileSizeY - 5 + ySubtr + thing(numbr).spdy * offys)-STEP(tileSizeX - 5, 0), 0', B LINE (scrnMidX + X * tileSizeX + offx + 1 + thing(numbr).spdx * offxs, scrnMidY + Y * tileSizeY + offy + 1 + tileSizeY - 3 + ySubtr + thing(numbr).spdy * offys)-STEP(tileSizeX - 3, 0), byteVal', B END IF END IF END IF NEXT NEXT IF mouseHidden THEN mouseShow END SUB SUB sleepClick (seconds, mouse AS mouseType) clock! = TIMER DO mouseStatus mouse LOOP UNTIL (mouse.left OR mouse.right) OR (seconds > 0 AND clock! + seconds - TIMER <= 0) OR INKEY$ <> "" END SUB FUNCTION thingBarrier (X, Y, map() AS layer, tileEffect() AS byte, thing AS sprite) tile = ASC(map(X, Y).world) SELECT CASE ASC(tileEffect(tile).B) CASE effectBarrier, effectWork barrier = true END SELECT IF barrier = false AND map(X, Y).object <> byteNone THEN barrier = true END IF thingBarrier = barrier END FUNCTION SUB thingCell (thing AS sprite) IF thing.dirx = -1 THEN IF thing.cell = left1 THEN thing.cell = left2 ELSE thing.cell = left1 END IF ELSEIF thing.dirx = 1 THEN IF thing.cell = rght1 THEN thing.cell = rght2 ELSE thing.cell = rght1 END IF ELSEIF thing.diry = -1 THEN IF thing.cell = back1 THEN thing.cell = back2 ELSE thing.cell = back1 END IF ELSEIF thing.diry = 1 THEN IF thing.cell = frnt1 THEN thing.cell = frnt2 ELSE thing.cell = frnt1 END IF ELSE thing.cell = frnt1 END IF END SUB SUB thingFindPlace (thing AS sprite, map() AS layer, foundPlace, ware() AS wares, ntile) foundPlace = false FOR Y = -1 TO 0 FOR X = -1 TO 1 IF NOT (X = 0 AND Y = 0) AND NOT foundPlace THEN mx = thing.targetx1 + X my = thing.targety1 + Y IF map(mx, my).world <> ware(ntile).nval AND ASC(map(mx, my).object) = 0 THEN foundPlace = true map(mx, my).world = ware(ntile).nval playSound "drop bag content", false, thing.X, thing.Y END IF END IF NEXT NEXT END SUB SUB thingFollow (thing AS sprite, targx, targy) IF thing.X < targx THEN thing.spdx = 1 ELSEIF thing.X > targx THEN thing.spdx = -1 ELSE thing.spdx = 0 END IF IF thing.Y < targy THEN thing.spdy = 1 ELSEIF thing.Y > targy THEN thing.spdy = -1 ELSE thing.spdy = 0 END IF IF thing.spdx <> 0 AND thing.spdy <> 0 THEN IF RND * 10 > 5 THEN thing.spdx = 0 ELSE thing.spdy = 0 END IF END IF IF thing.findPath = 1 THEN IF RND * 10 > 5 THEN direction = 1 ELSE direction = -1 END IF thingRotate thing, direction IF RND * 16 > 14 THEN thingRandom thing IF thing.spdx <> 0 AND thing.spdy <> 0 THEN IF RND * 10 > 5 THEN thing.spdx = 0 ELSE thing.spdy = 0 END IF END IF ELSE thing.findPath = 0 'false END IF ELSEIF thing.findPath = 2 AND RND * 10 > 5 THEN thing.changed = true thingCell thing END IF END SUB SUB thingHandle (thing AS sprite, thingAr() AS sprite, map() AS layer, tileEffect() AS byte, ware() AS wares) IF thing.lazy = 0 THEN thing.lazy = gameLazyDefault ELSE thing.lazy = thing.lazy - 1 END IF IF thing.spdx <> 0 OR thing.spdy <> 0 THEN IF NOT map(thing.X + thing.spdx, thing.Y + thing.spdy).object = byteNone THEN barrierAhead = true thing.findPath = 1 END IF END IF ntile = ASC(map(thing.X + thing.spdx, thing.Y + thing.spdy).world) SELECT CASE ASC(tileEffect(ntile).B) CASE effectBarrier barrierAhead = true playSound "barrier ahead", false, thing.X, thing.Y thing.findPath = 1 ' true CASE effectWork barrierAhead = true thingWork thing, thingAr(), map(), relatedWork, ntile, ware() IF NOT relatedWork THEN thing.findPath = 1 ' true ELSE thing.findPath = 2 ' work END IF END SELECT IF thing.lazy = 0 THEN IF (NOT barrierAhead) AND map(thing.X + thing.spdx, thing.Y + thing.spdy).object = byteNone THEN map(thing.X, thing.Y).object = byteNone thing.X = thing.X + thing.spdx thing.Y = thing.Y + thing.spdy playSound "step", false, thing.X, thing.Y thing.changed = true map(thing.X, thing.Y).object = CHR$(thing.numb) thingCell thing END IF IF thing.tfollow = 1 THEN IF thing.X = thing.targetx1 AND thing.Y = thing.targety1 THEN getLazy = true thingFollow thing, thing.targetx1, thing.targety1 ELSEIF thing.tfollow = 2 THEN IF RND * 100 > 98 THEN IF thing.X = thing.targetx2 AND thing.Y = thing.targety2 THEN getLazy = true END IF thingFollow thing, thing.targetx2, thing.targety2 ELSE thingFollow thing, thing.targetx3, thing.targety3 IF thing.X + thing.spdx = thing.targetx3 AND thing.Y + thing.spdy = thing.targety3 THEN thing.tfollow = 1 END IF IF getLazy AND RND * 100 > 98 THEN DO thing.targetx3 = thing.X + (RND * (gameThingView * 2)) - gameThingView thing.targety3 = thing.Y + (RND * (gameThingView * 2)) - gameThingView LOOP UNTIL NOT thingBarrier(thing.targetx3, thing.targety3, map(), tileEffect(), thing) thing.tfollow = 3 END IF thing.dirx = thing.spdx thing.diry = thing.spdy ELSEIF thing.spdx <> 0 OR thing.spdy <> 0 THEN thing.changed = true END IF IF barrierAhead THEN thing.spdx = 0 thing.spdy = 0 END IF END SUB SUB thingLooseWork (thing AS sprite) thing.targetx2 = thing.targetx1 thing.targety2 = thing.targety1 + 1 thing.tfollow = 2 thing.changed = false playSound "lost work", false, thing.X, thing.Y END SUB SUB thingRandom (thing AS sprite) IF thing.spdx <> 0 AND thing.spdy <> 0 THEN IF RND * 10 > 5 THEN thing.spdx = 0 ELSE thing.spdy = 0 END IF ELSEIF thing.spdx <> 0 THEN IF RND * 10 > 5 THEN thing.spdy = -1 ELSE thing.spdy = 1 END IF ELSEIF thing.spdy <> 0 THEN IF RND * 10 > 5 THEN thing.spdx = -1 ELSE thing.spdx = 1 END IF END IF END SUB SUB thingRotate (thing AS sprite, D) IF thing.spdx = -1 THEN thing.spdx = 0 thing.spdy = -1 * D ELSEIF thing.spdy = -1 * D THEN thing.spdx = 1 * D thing.spdy = 0 ELSEIF thing.spdx = 1 * D THEN thing.spdx = 0 thing.spdy = 1 * D ELSEIF thing.spdy = 1 * D THEN thing.spdx = -1 * D thing.spdy = 0 END IF END SUB SUB thingSearch (map() AS layer, thing AS sprite, thingAr() AS sprite, ware() AS wares, ntile, giveUpFast, lookForSpecial) ' dummys had to be assigned before if expressions ' because of compiler error 'too complex' lastDistance = gameThingView * 2 FOR X = -gameThingView TO gameThingView FOR Y = -gameThingView TO gameThingView mx = thing.X + X my = thing.Y + Y IF (mx >= -tileValues.limx AND mx <= tileValues.limx) AND (my >= -tileValues.limy AND my <= tileValues.limy) THEN dummy1$ = ware(ASC(map(mx, my).world)).part dummy2$ = ware(ASC(map(mx, my).world)).part IF dummy1$ = CHR$(workWare) OR dummy2$ = CHR$(workHouseWare) THEN wareTypeWare = true ELSE wareTypeWare = false END IF IF lookForSpecial <> 0 THEN dummy$ = CHR$(lookForSpecial) ELSE dummy$ = ware(ntile).link END IF IF ware(ASC(map(mx, my).world)).link = dummy$ THEN wareTypeType = true ELSE wareTypeType = false END IF IF wareTypeWare AND wareTypeType THEN workedOn = false FOR n = LBOUND(thingAr) TO UBOUND(thingAr) IF thingAr(n).targetx2 = mx AND thingAr(n).targety2 = my THEN workedOn = true END IF NEXT IF NOT workedOn THEN distance = ABS(X) + ABS(Y) IF distance < lastDistance THEN foundOne = true lastDistance = distance thing.targetx2 = mx thing.targety2 = my thing.tfollow = 2 END IF END IF END IF END IF NEXT NEXT IF (NOT foundOne) AND giveUpFast THEN thingLooseWork thing END SUB SUB thingWork (thing AS sprite, thingAr() AS sprite, map() AS layer, relatedWork, ntile, ware() AS wares) SELECT CASE ASC(ware(ntile).part) CASE workHouse ' ware type needed, filled place tile IF (NOT thing.lazy) AND thing.tfollow = 1 AND (thing.X + thing.spdx = thing.targetx1 AND thing.Y + thing.spdy = thing.targety1) THEN relatedWork = true IF NOT thing.bag = byteNone THEN thingFindPlace thing, map(), foundPlace, ware(), ntile ''' function failed ELSE foundPlace = true END IF IF foundPlace THEN thing.body = 1 thing.bag = byteNone FOR ay = -1 TO 0 FOR ax = -1 TO 1 IF NOT (ax = 0 AND ay = 0) THEN mx = thing.targetx1 + ax my = thing.targety1 + ay IF map(mx, my).world <> ware(ntile).nval THEN ''' stillFreePlace = true END IF END IF NEXT NEXT IF stillFreePlace THEN thingSearch map(), thing, thingAr(), ware(), ntile, true, 0 ELSE thingLooseWork thing END IF ELSE thingLooseWork thing END IF END IF CASE workWare ' ware type, empty ware tile IF (NOT thing.lazy) AND thing.tfollow = 2 AND (thing.X + thing.spdx = thing.targetx2 AND thing.Y + thing.spdy = thing.targety2) THEN relatedWork = true IF ASC(ware(ASC(map(thing.targetx1, thing.targety1).world)).part) = 3 THEN thing.working = workLazy END IF IF thing.working < workLazy THEN ''' failed thing.working = thing.working + 1 SELECT CASE ASC(ware(ntile).link) CASE 4 thing.body = 4 CASE 3 thing.body = 2 IF RND * 20 > 14 THEN playSound "mine work", false, thing.X, thing.Y CASE ELSE thing.body = 2 IF RND * 20 > 14 THEN playSound "hacking wood", false, thing.X, thing.Y END SELECT ELSE playSound "put to bag", false, thing.X, thing.Y map(thing.targetx2, thing.targety2).world = ware(ntile).nval thing.bag = CHR$(1) ''' thing.body = 3 ''' thing.working = 0 thing.tfollow = 1 END IF END IF CASE workConstr ' ware type, construction part 1-3 -> needs always wood IF (NOT thing.lazy) AND thing.tfollow = 1 AND (thing.X + thing.spdx = thing.targetx1 AND thing.Y + thing.spdy = thing.targety1) THEN relatedWork = true IF thing.working = workLazy THEN thing.working = 0 thing.working = thing.working + 1 IF thing.bag <> byteNone THEN thing.body = 2 IF thing.working = workLazy THEN thing.body = 1 thing.bag = byteNone constructionPart = ASC(ware(ntile).nval) playSound "constructed", false, thing.X, thing.Y IF constructionPart < 3 THEN FOR n = LBOUND(ware) TO UBOUND(ware) IF n <> ntile AND ASC(ware(n).part) = 3 AND ware(n).link = ware(ntile).link THEN IF ASC(ware(n).nval) = constructionPart + 1 THEN map(thing.X + thing.spdx, thing.Y + thing.spdy).world = CHR$(n) EXIT FOR END IF END IF NEXT thingSearch map(), thing, thingAr(), ware(), ntile, false, workWood ELSE FOR n = LBOUND(ware) TO UBOUND(ware) IF (ASC(ware(n).part) = workHouse OR ASC(ware(n).part) = workHWHouse OR ASC(ware(n).part) = workClassHouse) AND ware(n).link = ware(ntile).link THEN ''' map(thing.X + thing.spdx, thing.Y + thing.spdy).world = CHR$(n) END IF NEXT thingLooseWork thing END IF ELSE playSound "constructing", false, thing.X, thing.Y END IF ELSE IF thing.working = workLazy THEN thingSearch map(), thing, thingAr(), ware(), ntile, false, workWood END IF END IF END IF 'CASE workCastle CASE workHouseWare ' (ware type, ...empty ware tile...) IF (NOT thing.lazy) AND thing.tfollow = 2 AND (thing.X + thing.spdx = thing.targetx2 AND thing.Y + thing.spdy = thing.targety2) THEN relatedWork = true IF ASC(ware(ASC(map(thing.targetx1, thing.targety1).world)).part) = 3 THEN thing.working = 20 END IF IF thing.working < 20 THEN ''' failed thing.working = thing.working + 1 SELECT CASE ASC(ware(ntile).link) CASE ELSE thing.body = 3 IF RND * 20 > 17 THEN playSound "put to bag", false, thing.X, thing.Y END SELECT ELSE playSound "put to bag", false, thing.X, thing.Y map(thing.targetx2, thing.targety2).world = ware(ntile).nval thing.bag = CHR$(1) ''' thing.body = 3 '''' thing.working = 0 thing.tfollow = 1 END IF END IF CASE workHWHouse ' (houseWare needed, filled place tile) IF (NOT thing.lazy) AND thing.tfollow = 1 AND (thing.X + thing.spdx = thing.targetx1 AND thing.Y + thing.spdy = thing.targety1) THEN relatedWork = true IF thing.working = workLazy THEN thing.working = 0 thing.working = thing.working + 1 IF thing.bag <> byteNone THEN IF thing.working = workLazy THEN IF NOT thing.bag = byteNone THEN thingFindPlace thing, map(), foundPlace, ware(), ntile ''' function failed ELSE foundPlace = true END IF IF foundPlace THEN thing.body = 1 thing.bag = byteNone FOR ay = -1 TO 0 FOR ax = -1 TO 1 IF NOT (ax = 0 AND ay = 0) THEN mx = thing.targetx1 + ax my = thing.targety1 + ay IF map(mx, my).world <> ware(ntile).nval THEN ''' stillFreePlace = true END IF END IF NEXT NEXT IF stillFreePlace THEN thingSearch map(), thing, thingAr(), ware(), ntile, true, 0 ELSE thingLooseWork thing END IF ELSE thingLooseWork thing END IF ELSE playSound "constructing", false, thing.X, thing.Y END IF ELSE IF thing.working = workLazy THEN thingSearch map(), thing, thingAr(), ware(), ntile, false, 0 '''' END IF END IF END IF CASE workClassHouse ' houseWare needed, new class IF thing.class <> CHR$(classSoldier) AND (NOT thing.lazy) AND thing.tfollow = 1 AND (thing.X + thing.spdx = thing.targetx1 AND thing.Y + thing.spdy = thing.targety1) THEN relatedWork = true IF thing.working = workLazy THEN thing.working = 0 thing.working = thing.working + 1 IF thing.bag <> byteNone THEN IF thing.working = workLazy THEN thing.class = ware(ntile).nval '''' SELECT CASE ASC(thing.class) CASE classSoldier: thing.body = 5 CASE classWizard: thing.body = 6 CASE classPriest: thing.body = 7 END SELECT thing.bag = byteNone ''thingLooseWork thing playSound "new class", false, thing.X, thing.Y END IF ELSE IF thing.working = workLazy THEN thingSearch map(), thing, thingAr(), ware(), ntile, false, 0 '''' END IF END IF ELSE '''' ' look for enemy END IF END SELECT END SUB