Jdibas 4/5

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 05-30-92 (12:31)             Number: 137
From: JEFF FREEMAN                 Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: Jdibas                4/5      Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
This message was from JEFF FREEMAN to ALL,
originally in conference (V) V-TREK
and was forwarded to you by JEFF FREEMAN.
>>> Continued from previous message
        This function displays the MORE prompt and returns the key pressed
        by the user:  Y for yes, N for no or C for Continuous.

FUNCTION NCase$ (Name$)
        This function returns Name$ with the first letter of each word
        in caps.  For example: "mr brown" would return "Mr Brown".

SUB BackSpace (N)
        This subroutine moves the cursor to the left N spaces.

SUB CloseDoor ()
        This subroutine should be called rather than END, STOP or SYSTEM.

SUB HitAKey ()
        This subroutine displays the Hit-a-Key prompt and waits for the
        user to press a key.

SUB JBeep ()
        This routine beeps just like BEEP.

SUB JCls ()
        ALWAYS use JCls, NEVER use CLS.  Otherwise it has the same affect.

SUB JCenter (T$, CRLF)
        This sub displays T$ centered on the current row.  It is followed
        by a carriage-return/line feed if CRLF is true.

SUB JColor (Fc, Bc)
        This routine changes the color just like COLOR -- but the color
        codes are not the same as BASIC's color codes.  JDI has declared
        the necessary constants so that you may call JColor like so:
        JColor Red, Black       'red foreground, black background
        JColor Red+Bold, Black  'hi-red foreground
        JColor Yellow + Bold + Blink, Black  'Blinking hiYellow fore.

SUB JInPut (P$, IN$, W)
        Displays P$ and accepts the user's input into IN$.  W is the number
        of characters to accept.  If W is 0, then JINPUT uses hot-key input
        and doesn't echo what the user enters.  If W is a negative number,
        the JInPut will hit return for the user when the maximum number of
        characters is approached -- affectively simulating word-wrap.  For

        JinPut "Name: ", Name$, 25

        This will prompt the user with "Name: " and accept up to 25
        characters, which are returned in Name$

SUB JLines (L)
        This routine moves the cursor down L lines.

SUB JLocate (R, C)
        This works just like BASIC's LOCATE command.  NEVER use LOCATE.
        This moves the cursor to row R, column C.

SUB JOpen (F$, Mode$, FileNum, RecLen)
        Always use this, never use OPEN.  JOPen uses the same format as
        OPEN.  Therefore instead of:

          OPEN "MYFILE" FOR RANDOM AS #1 LEN = LEN(MyRecord)
          GET #1, RecNum, MyRecord
          CLOSE 1

        You would use:

          JOpen "MYFILE", "R", FNum, LEN(MyRecord)
          GET #FNum, RecNum, MyRecord
          CLOSE FNum

        JOpen will find the next file number and assign it to FNum, so
        you needn't worry about which file numbers are currently available.
        RecLen ( LEN(MyRecord) in the example ) is not required for INPUT,
        OUTPUT or APPEND file modes. You may send a 0 in that case (you
        cannot, however omit the variable altogether).

        Valid modes are:
                "I"     INPUT
                "O"     OUTPUT
                "A"     APPEND
                "R"     RANDOM
                "B"     BINARY

        If you attempt to open a file for input that doesn't exist, Jopen
        returns a zero for File Number.  Save time by checking to see if
        the file exists AFTER you JOPEN it.

SUB JPrint (T$, CRLF)
        NEVER use PRINT, always use JPrint.  This sends T$ to the screen
        and the modem.  If CRLF is TRUE, then JPrint follows with a
        carriage-return/line feed.  For example:

          JPrint "Print this on my screen.",False
                is the same as
          PRINT  "Print this on my screen." ;

SUB OpenCom (ComPort, Baud&)
        This is an internal function used by JDI to initialize the com
        routines.  You could write support for other drop-file formats
        by reading the info, assigning the appropriate user variables,
        and then calling OpenCom with the COMPORT and BAUD&.  JDI
        supports COM's 1-4 and Baud& up to 115,200.

SUB OpenDorinfo (DF$)
        This routines is passed the path and filename to DORINFOx.DEF.
        It sets up the user variables such as caller name, BBS Name, etc.
        and calls OpenCom to initialize the modem routines.

SUB ViewFile (F$, MorePrompts)
        ViewFile will display the file F$ if it exists.  For ANSI users
        ViewFile will check for a .ANS version of the file.  If there is
        no .ANS version, or if the user is a non-ansi user, then ViewFile
        will display the .ASC version.  MorePrompts should be true if you
        want the user to be prompted with the MORE prompt every 23 lines.

                ViewFile "MYFILE", False

        will display MYFILE.ASC to non-ansi users, or MYFILE.ANS to ANSI

These are the variables and their uses.   Note that they are in a data type,
so that JDI.BBSName is the name of the BBS, JDI.SysopName is the name of
the sysop, etc.

        BBSName       AS STRING * 25  'name of BBS running door
        SysopName     AS STRING * 25  'name of sysop
        PlrName       AS STRING * 25  'name of current player
        Sysop         AS INTEGER      'True if player is the sysop
        ANSI          AS INTEGER      'False if player doesn't have ANSI
        SecLevel      AS INTEGER      'player's security level on the BBS
        AllCaps       AS INTEGER      'force input from user into all caps
        MoreFc        AS INTEGER      'foreground color of more prompt
        MoreBc        AS INTEGER      'background color of more prompt
        MoreMsg       AS STRING * 30  'the more prompt
        Pauses        AS INTEGER      'False = No more prompts
        HitKeyFc      AS INTEGER      'foreground color of hit-a-key prompt
        HITKeyBc      AS INTEGER      'background color of hit-a-key prompt
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