Re: Stored dates

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 04-18-92 (19:26)             Number: 98
From: BOB PERKINS                  Refer#: NONE
  To: SCOTT WUNSCH                  Recvd: NO  
Subj: Re: Stored dates               Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
 SW>   I am working on a program that uses INT 4Eh/4Fh to retrieve file
 SW> names, and then must process the date returned.  I have tried many

   Oh, and just in case you need the routine for the file time too..

   FUNCTION asctime$ (filetime%)
     hour$ = LTRIM$(STR$((filetime% AND 63488) \ 2048))
     minute$ = LTRIM$(STR$((filetime% AND 2016) \ 32))
     second$ = LTRIM$(STR$((filetime% AND 31) * 2))
     IF LEN(hour$) = 1 THEN hour$ = "0" + hour$
     IF LEN(minute$) = 1 THEN minute$ = "0" + minute$
     IF LEN(second$) = 1 THEN second$ = "0" + second$
     asctime = hour$ + ":" + minute$ + ":" + second$

--- Msg V4.5
 * Origin: Reciprocity Failure  (1:124/4115.236)
Outer Court
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