Quickbasic .libs 1/2

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 04-16-92 (00:41)             Number: 155
From: CHARLES COPE                 Refer#: NONE
  To: THOMAS HEAD                   Recvd: NO  
Subj: Quickbasic .libs      1/2      Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
TH>    Help!  I see all these great new .LIB files, but I have no idea how
TH>to compile QuickBasic programs outside of the "Run" menu.  Any
TH>help would be greatly appreciated!

TH>    -Tom

TH> * Origin: Hmm... "OPEN 'QB.EXE' FOR APPEND AS #1" (1:3632/14.2)

CC> This is one way to begin to learn how to Compile from as they
CC> say "The Command Line" .

CC> 1. Select a file from Programs supplied with Quick Basic
       I will use file called TORUS.BAS for the examples.
CC> 2. Load it into memory , get it ready to run.
CC> 3. Choose Run Menu.
CC> 4. Select Make EXE file.
CC> 5. The Make EXE Menu comes up.
       Select Make Exe
CC> 6. Use your TAB key or mouse to move PAST Produce Debug Code option
       to the area,

        To Produce
        ( ) EXE requiring BRUN45.EXE.
        (.) Stand-Alone EXE file.

CC> 7. Use  your arrow up,arrow down key to move the DOT to select

       (.) Stand-Alone EXE file.

        Then press ENTER or RETURN key.

CC> 8. Your screen should Clear and some stuff as follows should appear.

Compiler Command Line   BC C:\TORUS.BAS /E/X/O/T/C:512
                        Microsoft (R) QuickBasic Compiler Version 4.50
                        (C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1982- 1988.
                        All rights reserved. Simultaneously published in
                        the U.S. and Canada.

                        43773 Bytes Available
                        32928 Bytes free

                        0 Warnings Errors (s)
                        0 Severe   Errors (s)

CC. 9. Then a short time later this pops up on your screen.

Just extra info for now. LINK @~QBLNK.TMP

                         Microsoft (R) Overlay Linker Version 3.69
                         Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1983-1988  All
                         rights reserved.

                         Object Modules [.OBJ]: /EX TORUS
                         Run File [TORUS.EXE]: C:\QB\TORUS.EXE
                         List File [NUL.MAP]:
                         Libraries [.LIB]: C:\QB\BCOM45.LIB

CC> 10. As soon as you see the LINK information come up on your screen
        press your Print Screen key to Capture whats on your screen.
        Most of what you see is extra stuff right now. The important
        Items or words are as follows.

           BC C: \TORUS.BAS /E/X/O/T/C:512

CC> 11. If all went well some where on your hard drive or floppy you
        will Have a Stand-Alone executiable file called TORUS.EXE
        that will run when you Type the word TORUS

CC> 12. If all went well and you find the file Torus.exe and it runs.
        and your Quick Basic is installed right Meaning in Your
        Autoexec.bat file you have a statement PATH=C:\DOS;C:\QB45
        or what ever Directory you have Quickbasic and or DOS in
        you should be able from your prompt type as follows.

        BC C:\TORUS.BAS /E/X/O/T/C:512 and the program will recompile
                                         its self. letters
BC              Calls the Basic Compiler or tell it to get
        C:\TORUS.BAS    Is the name of the file you want to Compile.
                        to compile.

        /E/X/O/T/C:512  Are commands to compiler and linker. You
                        can look them up in your manual or QB books.
                        you dont all of the commands all the time.

         If all this is confusing then just start type

         BC  file name      and see what happens.
>>> Continued to next message

 * SLMR 2.0 * Press any key to continue or any other key to quit

--- InterPCB 1.50
 * Origin: User-To-User, 214-492-6565, V32bis/HST, 6-Lines, RIME (1:124/6300)
Outer Court
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