BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-17-92 (18:39)             Number: 197
From: TOM HAMMOND                  Refer#: NONE
  To: MATT GLOVER                   Recvd: NO  
Subj: CAPS LOCK                      Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
MG>does anybody know how to manipulate the CAPS LOCK key from good old
MG>        QB4.5??

Matt - I hope this helps...  Good Luck...   Tom Hammond     N0SS

              ³  BEFORE executing any of these commands  ³
              ³  issue the following command:            ³
              ³                                          ³
              ³               DEF SEG = 0                ³
              ³                                          ³
              ³  And when exiting from the routine,      ³
              ³  issue the following command:            ³
              ³                                          ³
              ³               DEF SEG                    ³
              ³                                          ³


PEEK(1047) AND 64               0 if L/C, 64 if U/C
POKE 1047, PEEK(1047) AND 191   Force L/C
POKE 1047, PEEK(1047) OR 64     Force U/C
POKE 1047, PEEK(1047) XOR 64    Toggle U/C and L/C


PEEK(1047) AND 32               0 if NumLock OFF, 32 if NumLock ON
POKE 1047, PEEK(1047) AND 223   Force NumLock OFF
POKE 1047, PEEK(1047) OR 32     Force NumLock ON
POKE 1047, PEEK(1047) XOR 32    Toggle CURSOR-CONTROL and NumLock


PEEK(1047) AND 128              0 if Ins OFF, 128 if Ins ON
POKE 1047, PEEK(1047) AND 127   Force Ins OFF
POKE 1047, PEEK(1047) OR 128    Force Ins ON
POKE 1047, PEEK(1047) XOR 128   Toggle Ins ON/OFF


PEEK(1047) AND 16               0 if Scroll OFF, 16 if Scroll ON
POKE 1047, PEEK(1047) AND 239   Force Scroll OFF
POKE 1047, PEEK(1047) OR 16     Force Scroll ON
POKE 1047, PEEK(1047) XOR 16    Toggle Scroll ON/OFF


PEEK(1047) AND 8                8 if Alt pressed, 0 if not pressed
PEEK(1047) AND 4                4 if Ctrl pressed, 0 if not pressed
PEEK(1047) AND 2                2 if L-Shift pressed, 0 if not pressed
PEEK(1047) AND 1                1 if R-Shift pressed, 0 if not pressed
PEEK(1047) AND 3                3 if EITHER Shift pressed
PEEK(1048) AND 4                2 if Sys Req pressed (AT only)
POKE 1050, PEEK(1052)           Clears keyboard buffer

--- WM v2.00/91-0231
 * Origin: The Modem Zone BBS (314) 893-5106 (1:289/2)
Outer Court
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