F-Keys & Line Input

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-11-92 (01:11)             Number: 73
From: JEAN CREPEAU                 Refer#: NONE
  To: RICK STRICKER                 Recvd: NO  
Subj: F-Keys & Line Input            Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
In a message to ALL, RICK STRICKER wrote:
RS=> In this case, the app asks for input at ENTRY.  LINE INPUT is normally
    ended by hitting ENTER.  However I'd like to get to HELP by hitting  F1
    by itself (without hitting ENTER).
RS=> I also tried:    IF DAT$ = (CHR$(0) + CHR$(59)) with no luck.
RS=> Also:    DAT$  = INKEY$    IF  DAT$ = (CHR$(0) + CHR$(59)) THEN  GOSUB
    HELP even:    IF INKEY$ = (CHR$(0) + CHR$(59)) THEN GOSUB HELP No good.
RS=> I don't have my scan code listing with me here, but 0 + 59 may not  be
    right for F1.  I'm using the right one in the actual code though.
RS=> I also  found that the  scan codes for  the numeric keypad  arrow keys
    aren't the same as the codes for the upside-down "T" arrow keys on  the
    enhanced keyboard.   I  don't have  any listing  for the enhanced arrow

        The point  is that  the ON  ... GOSUB  is not  like an interrupt...
QuickBASIC checks  the event  only at  the beginning  of the  line (if  you
compile with the /V option) or at the beginning of every command (with  the
/W option). But it  doesn't check DURING the  command is executed. So  when
you are doing a LINE INPUT (or  just INPUT or INPUT$), your KEY events  are
not checked. If you press an event key, it is memorised, but not  executed.
When the next event check is done, your subroutine is executed.

        There is no way to trap the keys in a LINE INPUT... You have to  do
it with INKEY$ (as you did).  INKEY$ returns either a one-byte or  two-byte
string. If the key pressed has an ASCII equivalent, the string returned  is
a one-byte type containing the ASCII character. Otherwise, INKEY$ returns a
two-byte sequence beginning  with a NULL  (ASCII 00) character.  The second
character is the scan code of the key. If you plan to use INKEY$, you  must
disable any KEY trap.

        For the "T" key-pad, I'm not sure (since I still have an old 83-key
keyboard), but I think the first  character is E0 (hex.) instead of  a NULL
character... I usually use the following code to check any special key:


do:k$=inkey$:loop until len(k$)
        if len(k$)=1 then
                select case k
                case 1: (code for F1)
                case 2: (code for F2)
                case 10: (code for F10)
                case 11: (code for [Home])
                case 12: (code for [Up])
                case 13: (code for [PgUp])
                case 14: (code for [Left])
                case 15: (code for [Right])
                case 16: (code for [End])
                case 17: (code for [Down])
                case 18: (code for [PgDn])
                case 19: (code for [Ins])
                case 20: (code for [Del])
                case 21: (code for [Ctrl][Left])
                case 22: (code for [Ctrl][Right])
                case 23: (code for [Ctrl][End])
                case 24: (code for [Ctrl][PgDn])
                case 25: (code for [Ctrl][Home])
                case 26: (code for [Ctrl][PgUp])
                case 0: (code for other keys)
                end select

        The INSTR and  MID$ could be  optimised with an  assembler routine.
The  code  is  easy  to  debug  and  easy  to  update. The program does not
discriminate between thee two [Home] keys of an extended 101-key keyboard.

        BTW, the F1 key is really NUL+59.
 * Origin: INTERACESS Montreal (QC) Canada (514) 528-1415 (1:167/280)
Outer Court
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