Leaving the Com open

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 11-13-92 (08:07)             Number: 352
From: BOB SEWELL                   Refer#: NONE
  To: OLIVIER MASSE                 Recvd: NO  
Subj: Leaving the Com open           Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hi, Olivier Masse,
   In discussing Leaving the Com open with All, you said:

 OM> Is there anybody out there who could tell me how I could leave a
 OM> compiled basic program whitout the Communications port being closed?
 OM> I'm writing a BBS utility and this gives me problems :)..

    The easiest way is to forget about QB's built-in comm routines and program
 straight to the FOSSIL driver via CALL INTERRUPT (&H14, inreg, outreg). This
 way you don't have to worry about port numbers, addresses, baud rates, and
 the hang-up problem QB has when closing the comm file. To learn about fossil
 routines, download the X00 fossil driver from a BBS. It contains a doc file
 listing all the functions.

    On the other hand, if you insist on sticking with QB's OPEN COM: routines,
 you'll need to patch it using DEBUG. Here's the scoop:

    Make sure you have back-up copies of BCOM45.LIB and BRUN45.EXE, and that
 DEBUG.COM is in your DOS path. Change into your QB45 subdirectory and
 perform the following steps.

    First, let me explain my notation. The "-" is the command prompt displayed
 by debug. Anything following the prompt is what you should type at this
 prompt, and should be followed by a carriage-return, signified by <Enter>.
 Also, anything in lower-case is typed by you; anything shown in upper-case
 will be what debug puts on your screen. Explanations are in parenthesis.

 BCOM45.LIB DTR Patch:

 C:\QB45> debug bcom45.lib
 -s cs:0 ffff b0 00 e3 01 <Enter>
 XXXX:1529                  (the XXXX is an insignificant number)
 -u 1529 <Enter>
 MOV      AL,00
 JCXZ     152E
 INC      AX
 ADD      DX,+04
 OUT      DX,AL             (This is where DTR is dropped)
 -a 1529 <Enter>
 mov     al,01 <Enter>
 -a 152d <Enter>
 nop <Enter>                (changes this to a no-operation instruction)
 -u 1529 <Enter>            (redisplays code to verify your change)
 MOV      AL,01
 JCXZ     152E
 ADD      DX,+04
 OUT      DX,AL             (now the OUT command will not drop carrier)
 -w <Enter>                 (save your changes)
 Writing 35EF7 bytes
 -q <Enter>                 (quits debug)

---- BRUN45.EXE DTR Patch: C:\QB45> ren brun45.exe brun45.x (rename file. debug won't work on .exe's) C:\QB45> debug brun45.x -s cs:0 ffff b0 00 e3 01 <Enter> XXXX:9E78 (the XXXX is an insignificant number) -u 9e78 <Enter> MOV AL,00 JCXZ 9E7D INC AX ADD DX,+04 OUT DX,AL (This is where DTR is dropped) -a 9e78 <Enter> mov al,01 <Enter> <Enter> -a 9e7c <Enter> nop <Enter> (changes this to a no-operation instruction) <Enter> -u 9e78 <Enter> (redisplays code to verify your change) MOV AL,01 JCXZ 152E NOP ADD DX,+04 OUT DX,AL (now the OUT command will not drop carrier) -w <Enter> (save your changes) Writing 12E80 bytes -q <Enter> (quits debug) C:\QB45> ren brun45.x brun45.exe That's all folks! Source is from a file called FIXDTR45.TXT, found inside the QUICKDOR.LZH QB door-writing library. It all originates from info from Kenny Gardner of GAP Developement Co. ... Tag line thievery ... On the next Geraldo! --- Blue Wave/Opus v2.10 [NR] * Origin: Strawberry Fields (1:116/5.0)
Outer Court
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