Anyone read this?

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 10-16-92 (20:58)             Number: 343
From: CORIDON HENSHAW              Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: Anyone read this?              Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Subj(0) = "Anyone see this message?"
Subj(1) = "I need help reading the Fidonet nodelist"


I'm in the prossess of writing a nodelist handler, but I'm
having some problems reading a FTSC-0002 nodelist.  This is
the code that I've got:

===Cut Here===
TYPE FlagType
        Mailer          AS STRING * 1
        CM              AS STRING * 1
        MO              AS STRING * 1
        RE              AS STRING * 1
        MN              AS STRING * 1
        Gate            AS STRING * 10
        Comment         AS STRING * 32
TYPE AddrType
        Zone            AS INTEGER
        Region          AS INTEGER
        Net             AS INTEGER
        Node            AS INTEGER
TYPE NodeType
        Address         AS AddrType
        Name            AS STRING * 20
        Location        AS STRING * 16
        Sysopname       AS STRING * 20
        MaxBPS          AS STRING * 8
        PhoneNumber     AS STRING * 20
        Flags           AS FlagType

CONST True = -1
CONST False = 0

DIM Node        AS NodeType


        INPUT #1, In$
LOOP UNTIL In$ = "Zone"

StartRead = True

        IF StartRead = False THEN
                INPUT #1, In$
                CapIn$ = UCASE$(In$)
                IF In$ = "" THEN
                        ExitState = True
                        State = 0
                END IF
                StartRead = False
                Node.Address.Zone = VAL(In$)
                Node.Address.Node = 0
                Node.Address.Net = 0
                GOTO Redo
                State = 0
        END IF

        IF IncZone = True THEN
                Node.Address.Zone = VAL(In$)
                Node.Address.Node = 0
                Node.Address.Net = 0
                IncZone = False
                State = 0

        ELSEIF IncRegion = True THEN
                IF Node.Address.Net = 0 THEN Node.Address.Net = 100
                Node.Address.Region = VAL(In$)
                IncRegion = False

        ELSEIF IncNet = True THEN
                Node.Address.Net = VAL(In$)
                Node.Address.Node = 0
                IncNet = False

        ELSEIF IncNode = True THEN
                Node.Address.Node = VAL(Old$)
                IncNode = False

        END IF

        State = State + 1

        IF State = 1 AND Node.Address.Zone + 1 > 0 THEN
                LOCATE 1, 1
                PRINT "     Address: "; RTRIM$(LTRIM$(STR$(Node.Address.Zone
+_ 1))); ":"; RTRIM$(LTRIM$(STR$(Node.Address.Net))); "/";_
                PRINT " System Name: "; Node.Name
                PRINT "    Location: "; Node.Location
                PRINT "  Sysop Name: "; Node.Sysopname
                PRINT "Phone Number: "; Node.PhoneNumber; ""
                PRINT "         BPS: "; Node.MaxBPS
                PRINT USING "       Flags: \
              \";_ Flags$
                Flags$ = ""
        END IF

        SELECT CASE State
                CASE 1, 11, 14, 26

                        SELECT CASE CapIn$
                                CASE "ZONE"
                                        IncZone = True
                                CASE "REGION"
                                        IncRegion = True
                                CASE "HOST"
                                        IncNet = True
                        END SELECT
                CASE 2
                        IncNode = True
                CASE 3
                        Node.Name = In$
                CASE 4
                        Node.Location = In$
                CASE 5
                        Node.Sysopname = In$
                CASE 6
                        Node.PhoneNumber = In$
                CASE 7
                        Node.MaxBPS = In$
                CASE IS >= 8
                        Flags$ = Flags$ + In$ + " "
        END SELECT

        Old$ = In$

===Cut Here===

That's all folks!

The bug that I have is that, some nodes are skiped, and
there data ends up the the last nodes Flag$ stringvar.
Anyone got an ieda on what's wrong?

...Due to the banning of PostIt! in this echo, I will be posting raw OBJ files
...(Anti-theft) here.  For those of you who have a sence of HUMOR, get a life.
Outer Court
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