
 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 07-31-92 (21:20)             Number: 160
From: SCOTT DRYSDALE               Refer#: NONE
  To: ROBIN WARD                    Recvd: NO  
Subj: Animation                      Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
 RW> 'First I write a program to Save a Get to disk like this:
 RW> Defint b                  'Define b as an integer
 RW> screen 13                 'Go into Vga 320x200 mode
 RW> Bload"Icons.pic"          'Load the picture file with the ball

 RW> 'Commence the merging...
 RW> for i = 1 to 99 'Why do we use 1 to 99 here? Because we
 RW> don't wanna damage the                 'header
 RW> if b(i) = 0 then b(i) = background(i)
 RW> next i
 RW> And that should merge the two together..Then when you

Uhm, that's not animation that's "flicking", too slow.
Palette is used like this:

DIM SHARED palet(0 TO 255)  AS LONG

a = 1: b = 1


        FOR repeat = 1 TO 256
        LINE (a, b)-(a + 10, b + 10), c, BF
        a = a + 12: c = c + 1
        IF a > 310 THEN a = 1: b = b + 12


         i = 1: REM i = # of attribute to be changed
         REM          BLUE      GREEN  RED
         pal& = 65536 * 0 + 256 * 0 + 0
         palet(i) = pal&
         LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT palet(i)
PALETTE 1, palet(i)

Or something like that... :)

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: The BULLpen BBS * Intel 14.4EX (613)549-5168 (1:249/140)
Outer Court
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