QB/QBX Clock 2/2

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 02-17-94 (12:31)             Number: 84
From: MARK BUTLER                  Refer#: NONE
  To: AUSTIN GERACI                 Recvd: NO  
Subj: QB/QBX Clock 2/2               Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'>>> Page 2 of CLOCK.LZH begins here.
CLOSE:IF S=9AND B&=Z&THEN?" :) Ok!"ELSE?" :( Bad!
SUB U(A$):FOR A=1TO LEN(A$):C=ASC(MID$(A$,A))-37:IF C<0THEN C=91+C*32
IF K<4THEN K=C+243ELSE?#1,CHR$(C+(K MOD 3)*86);:K=K\3:B&=B&+1
S=(S+C)AND 255:NEXT:LOCATE,1:?STRING$(B&*50\Z&,219);:END SUB
'>>> Page 2 of CLOCK.LZH ends here. Last page. TCHK:9
==========================8< Cut Here 8<=============================

 The following is some example BASIC code to demonstrate 'clock.obj'.

==========================8< Cut Here 8<=============================
DECLARE SUB Clock (row%, col%, attr%, onoff%)

    COLOR 7, 1
    A$ = STRING$(80, 32)
    COLOR 0, 7
    LOCATE 1, 1
    PRINT A$;
    LOCATE 25, 1
    PRINT A$;
    LOCATE 25, 30
    PRINT "= Press ESC to end =";
    Clock 1, 70, 112, 1 '<--turn the clock ON and place it in the
                         '   upper right corner of the screen.
    ' just some malarkey code below to
    ' simulate your program's execution
    COLOR 7, 1
    LOCATE 9, 25
    PRINT "Your program can run to it's"
    LOCATE 10, 25
    PRINT "heart's content, the clock is"
    LOCATE 11, 25
    PRINT "operating independantly."
    COLOR 11, 1
    LOCATE 13, 25
    counter# = 1
    COLOR 14, 1
    DO WHILE INKEY$ <> CHR$(27)
        LOCATE 13, 45
        PRINT counter#; SPC(30);
        counter# = counter# + 1
    Clock 1, 70, 112, 0   '<--turn the clock OFF. You *must* do this
                          '   before exitting to the system or it
                          '   may cause problems.
==========================8< Cut Here 8<=============================

 That's all folks...

--- timEd-B9 * "Shoes for industry ..shoes for the dead!" -Joe Beats
 * Origin:  MotherShip Portholes, Portland OR  (1:105/330.5)
Outer Court
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