VGA fadeout routines 2

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 10-23-93 (15:04)             Number: 228
From: JOHN WOODGATE                Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: VGA fadeout routines 2         Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'>>> Page 2 of PALDEMO.BAS begins here.
  clr& = 65536 * a + 256 * 0 + a
  PALETTE 13, clr&
  clr& = 65536 * a + 256 * a + 0
  PALETTE 11, clr&
  clr& = 65536 * 0 + 256 * a + a
  PALETTE 14, clr&
  clr& = 65536 * a + 256 * a + a
  PALETTE 15, clr&
  clr& = 65536 * 0 + 256 * 0 + a
  PALETTE 12, clr&
  clr& = 65536 * 0 + 256 * a + 0
  PALETTE 10, clr&
  clr& = 65536 * a + 256 * 0 + 0
  PALETTE 9, clr&



FOR a = 63 TO 1 STEP -1
  IF a <= 43 THEN
   clr& = 65536 * 0 + 256 * 0 + a
   PALETTE 4, clr&
   clr& = 65536 * a + 256 * 0 + 0
   PALETTE 1, clr&
   clr& = 65536 * 0 + 256 * a + 0
   PALETTE 2, clr&
   clr& = 65536 * a + 256 * a + a
   PALETTE 7, clr&
   clr& = 65536 * a + 256 * a + 0
   PALETTE 3, clr&
   clr& = 65536 * a + 256 * 0 + a
   PALETTE 5, clr&
  IF a <= 21 THEN
   clr& = 65536 * a + 256 * a + a
   PALETTE 8, clr&
  IF a <= 41 THEN
   IF a <= 20 THEN
    clr& = 65536 * a + 256 * a + a
    PALETTE 6, clr&
    clr& = 65536 * 20 + 256 * 20 + a
    PALETTE 6, clr&
  clr& = 65536 * a + 256 * 0 + a
  PALETTE 13, clr&
  clr& = 65536 * a + 256 * a + 0
  PALETTE 11, clr&
  clr& = 65536 * 0 + 256 * a + a
  PALETTE 14, clr&
  clr& = 65536 * a + 256 * a + a
  PALETTE 15, clr&
  clr& = 65536 * 0 + 256 * 0 + a
  PALETTE 12, clr&
  clr& = 65536 * 0 + 256 * a + 0
  PALETTE 10, clr&
  clr& = 65536 * a + 256 * 0 + 0
  PALETTE 9, clr&


'>>> Page 2 of PALDEMO.BAS ends here. Last page.
 -- John Woodgate

 * JABBER v1.1 * Anyone have any Antivirus spray ??

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 * Origin: WALK in the SHADOWs of the NIGHT 612-825-0595 (1:282/105)
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