Dial.bas 1/3

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 04-12-93 (18:20)             Number: 361
From: SEAN SULLIVAN                Refer#: NONE
  To: ROBERT SCHOENFELD             Recvd: NO  
Subj: Dial.bas 1/3                   Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Greetings and Salutations Robert!

This is the accompanying basic code for the COM3-COM4 Article in QBNEWS 2/4

______O_/_________________| SNIP |________________\_O_____
      O \                 | HERE |                / O
'This file created by PostIt! v5.0 for VB/DOS
'>>> Start of page 1 of DIAL.BAS

' DIAL    BAS : Dial a phone number on the screen
' author .....: Dick Dennison [74270,3636] 1:272/34 914-374-3903 *hst
' 24 hrs
' supports ...: COM1 - COM4
' syntax .....: DIAL portnum%
' includes ...: None
' notes ......: Move the cursor with the arrow keys to the phone number
'             : Press the ']' key and move the right arrow key across
'             : the number and press Enter
'             : Uses Basic's OPEN COMx commands
' cost .......: Free = Credit where credit due
'             : Do not use as is for commercial use - may not be resold
'             : May not be rebundled without prior written consent
' dated ......: 10/19/91
' credits ....: Thanks to Mike Welch for CLIPMSG, and Pete Petrakis for
' his
'             : notes on Com Port swapping.

DECLARE SUB Hangup (Port%)
DECLARE SUB Getnum (row%, Col%, markit%, Port%)
DECLARE SUB Setup (Port%)

COLOR 0, 7
LOCATE 25, 1
PRINT "     Move the cursor to the beginning of the phone number and"+ _
" press Space  ";
LOCATE 10, 1
IF VAL(COMMAND$) < 1 OR VAL(COMMAND$) > 4 THEN      'Get the portnum%
     PRINT "Port number must be on command line"

                    'Setup some special key functions
CR$ = CHR$(13)
Nul$ = CHR$(0)
ArrowLt$ = Nul$ + CHR$(75)
ArrowRt$ = Nul$ + CHR$(77)
ArrowUp$ = Nul$ + CHR$(72)
ArrowDn$ = Nul$ + CHR$(80)
EndKey$ = Nul$ + CHR$(79)
Esc$ = CHR$(27)
Home$ = Nul$ + CHR$(71)
SpaceBar$ = CHR$(32)
                   'Save vectors at bios Addresses for Com1-Com2
  OldPort1H = PEEK(&H400)
  OldPort1L = PEEK(&H401)
  OldPort2H = PEEK(&H402)
  OldPort2L = PEEK(&H403)

'Move cursor around
DO                         'This section lets the user move
 In$ = INKEY$             'move the cursor around on the screen
 SELECT CASE In$          'to the beginning of the phone number
    IF markit% THEN       'A CR signals the end of the highlight
     row% = CSRLIN
     Col% = POS(0) - count%
     EXIT DO
    END IF
  CASE Esc$                'END
  CASE Home$               'Goto the beginning of the line
     LOCATE , 1
  CASE EndKey$             'Goto the end of the line
     LOCATE , 80
  CASE ArrowUp$            'UpArrow
     x% = CSRLIN
     IF x% > 1 THEN LOCATE x% - 1
  CASE ArrowDn$            'DownArrow
     x% = CSRLIN
     IF x% < 25 THEN LOCATE x% + 1
  CASE ArrowLt$                                 'LeftArrow
     IF POS(0) > 1 THEN LOCATE , POS(0) - 1
     IF markit% THEN count% = count% - 1       'If markit% then ' ' was
' pressed
  CASE ArrowRt$                             'RightArrow

     IF markit% THEN
          count% = count% + 1               'If markit% then ' ' was
' pressed
          row% = CSRLIN: Col% = POS(0)
          a% = SCREEN(row%, Col%)
          PRINT CHR$(a%);
          IF POS(0) < 80 THEN LOCATE , POS(0) + 1
     END IF
  CASE SpaceBar$
     IF markit% THEN
          count% = count% + 1               'If markit% then ' ' was
' pressed
          row% = CSRLIN: Col% = POS(0)
          a% = SCREEN(row%, Col%)

'>>> Continued on page 2.


--- GoldED 2.40.P0623
 * Origin: COMNET Point #28 [Watervliet, NY] (1:267/113.28)
Outer Court
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