256 Colors

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 04-01-93 (23:48)             Number: 303
From: EARL MONTGOMERY              Refer#: NONE
  To: MIKHAIL FERDMAN               Recvd: NO  
Subj: 256 Colors                     Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Part 3 of 4 parts.
     SCREEN 13
     ct = 1
     cc = 7
     y = 0
     OUT &H3C8, cc
     LINE (1, y)-(319, y), cc
     OUT &H3C9, 10
     OUT &H3C9, 22 * ct
     OUT &H3C9, 10
     ct = ct + .1
     y = y + 1
     cc = cc + 1
     t = TIMER
     WHILE TIMER < t + .1
     IF y > 200 THEN
         GOTO pause1
          GOTO lnrtn
     END IF
     t = TIMER
     WHILE TIMER < t + 4
     SCREEN 9
     COLOR 14
     PRINT "Instructive but not very impressive. Maybe we can end";
     PRINT "this with a jazzed up demo. Look at the source to see";
     PRINT : PRINT "how it is accomplished."
     t = TIMER
     WHILE TIMER < t + 8
     SCREEN 13
     X = 1: y = 1: fx = 11: fy = 11: t = 0
     CIRCLE (X, y), 10, 15
     c = c + 1
     IF c = 15 THEN
         c = 16
     END IF
     IF c > 255 THEN
         c = 1
     END IF
     OUT &H3C8, c
     OUT &H3C9, RND * 63
     OUT &H3C9, RND * 63
     OUT &H3C9, RND * 63
     PAINT (X, y), c, 15
     CIRCLE (X, y), 10, c
     X = X + fx
     y = y + fy
     IF X < 1 THEN
         fx = RND(1) * 11 + 1
         GOTO borders
     END IF
' End of part 3 of 4 parts.

--- Maximus 2.01wb
 * Origin: Verbose Ink * Dallas * 214-437-0914 * V32b/HST (1:124/5125)
Outer Court
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