BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-28-93 (15:09)             Number: 191
From: CHARLES GRAHAM               Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: 3 of 6 AMORTIZE.BAS            Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Begin AMORTIZE.BAS Message 03
                LOCATE x, 1
                PRINT "                                     " + _
"                                           ";
            NEXT x
        END IF
        mo = 1
        yr = yr + 1
        IF yr > 99 THEN
            yr = 0
        END IF
    END IF
    totint# = totint# + intr#
    totprin# = totprin# + prin#
    prinbal# = amt# - totprin#
    IF mo = 1 THEN
        IF o$ = "s" THEN
            LOCATE 9, 1
            IF ct <> 1 THEN
                yrct = yrct + 1
                IF yrct / 4 = INT(yrct / 4) THEN
                    GOSUB printheaders
                END IF
            END IF
        END IF
    END IF
    IF o$ = "s" THEN
        PRINT USING "###"; ct;
        PRINT TAB(5); " ";
        PRINT USING "##"; mo;
        PRINT "/";
        IF yr > 9 THEN
            PRINT USING "##"; yr;
            PRINT "0" + RIGHT$(STR$(yr), 1);
        END IF
        PRINT TAB(12); " ";
        PRINT USING "#######.##"; intr#;
        PRINT TAB(26); " ";
        PRINT USING "#######.##"; prin#;
        PRINT TAB(40); " ";
        PRINT USING "#######.##"; totint#;
        PRINT TAB(54); " ";
        PRINT USING "#######.##"; totprin#;
        PRINT TAB(68); " ";
        PRINT USING "#######.##"; prinbal#
        LPRINT USING "###"; ct;
        LPRINT TAB(5); " ";
        LPRINT USING "##"; mo;
'End AMORTIZE.BAS Message 03

--- QM v1.30
 * Origin: QwikCom * St Charles MO * 16.8K HST/V32b (1:100/602.0)
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