Cnd-Det Routines 1/8

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-28-93 (12:48)             Number: 201
From: DIRK THEURER                 Refer#: NONE
  To: LEE MADAJCZYK                 Recvd: NO  
Subj: Cnd-Det Routines 1/8           Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
LM> DT> ' (c)opyright 1993, Dirk Theurer
LM> DT> ' This code is placed in the public domain. Use as you see fit.
LM> One quick question, Dick.

Er, that should be 'Dirk'. %-}

LM> I publish QuickBASIC Scrapbook ...
LM> My question for you is, did you copyright the code or are you
LM> releasing it into public domain?
LM> I will be required to remove the Copyright message (so you
LM> can't sue me later

Ah. A couple of things - 1) CND-DET (the entire program) is (c)opyrighted
already (not just those two routines); and 2) my intent was
to ensure that no one uses the routines 'for profit' or
that anyone else puts their own name to them...  I don't
see that 'public domain' and '(c)opyright' are mutually
exclusive.  I definitely don't want to stop you from
publishing this in QBS but I see no conflict there as long
as I give you explicit permission. Before I do so, I'd like
to point out something else - 1) I mentioned that those
routines are setup to use a FOSSIL; 2) I tend to do
somewhat excessive error-checking/correcting; and 3) there
is so much unnecessary 'other' code in there it isn't
funny. I suspect that by the time modifications to overcome
those idiosyncracies are made that (c)opyright no longer
applies - remember that those routines are 'cut' directly
from a program with all the considerations for that other
program. I can't remember exactly but it's possible there
are SHARED variables in use even!...  %-] There are
definitely CALLs made to other routines I didn't post.

I'd suggest that someone re-write it before it becomes useful to publish.
None of the 'principles' (COM routines at 1200bps, CND
(CID) packet format, etc) are particularly unusual.
Probably the whole thing could be done in about 40 lines of
code (versus my 460+)... which would definitely result in
something that does not infringe on my (c)opyright. (I'd do
this myself but have found myself in the middle of a
starting a commercial venture with VERY little time left

To get back 'on-topic', here's a short outline (psuedo-code) for such:

'open and set port to 1200bps, 8N1
'wait for incoming string of 30 'U's and trailing ASCII 4 (CTRL-D)
'next char is number of chars to follow (actual CND info)
'loop to read 'number of chars - 1'
'if one char, then '  number is either 'out of area' ("O") or 'private' ("P")
'  following number of chars is 'useful' CND info
'last char is CRC value

LM> BTW: I think this will be a useful routine, as Caller ID is
LM> beginning to pop up everywhere.

:-) That's why I placed it here. I hope someone _does_ find
a use for it/them and does modify so it's somewhat more er,


 * Origin: RAVE * Burnaby, BC (1:153/810)
Outer Court
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