File Date/Time 2/2

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-27-93 (15:04)             Number: 370
From: TOM HAMMOND                  Refer#: NONE
  To: MICHAEL BAILEY                Recvd: NO  
Subj: File Date/Time        2/2      Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
>>> Continued from previous message
Well, I owe you one for your 'OpenComm' routine. Very slick. This routine
will get the file date, time, and size using CALL Interrupt.  You can always
cut out what you don't need.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cut here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    '$INCLUDE: 'QB.BI'

    TYPE DOSFindType                    '| The DTA structure for the DOS
        Reserved    AS STRING * 21      '|  FindFirst/FindNext functions
        DFileAttr   AS STRING * 1
        DosTime     AS INTEGER
        DosDate     AS INTEGER
        FileSize    AS LONG
        FileName    AS STRING * 13
    DIM DOSFindBuff AS DOSFindType
    DIM Regs AS RegTypeX                '| Register TYPE for Interrupt call
    DIM FindFileBuff AS STRING * 64     '| Buffer to hold file path

    SearchFile$ = "\autoexec.bat"       '| Example file to look for = &H2F00                    '| Get the old DTA address
    CALL INTERRUPTX(&H21, Regs, Regs)
    OldDTASeg% =                '| Save it to restore later
    OldDTAOff% = Regs.bx = &H1A00                    '| Set our filefind buffer as
    Regs.ds = VARSEG(DOSFindBuff)       '|   the new DTA
    Regs.dx = VARPTR(DOSFindBuff)
    CALL INTERRUPTX(&H21, Regs, Regs)

    FindFileBuff = SearchFile$ + CHR$(0)'| Load our current filename = &H4E00                    '|   into the FileName buffer = 7                         '| Attribute for normal, hidden,
                                        '|   R/O, and system files
    Regs.ds = VARSEG(FindFileBuff)
    Regs.dx = VARPTR(FindFileBuff)
    CALL INTERRUPTX(&H21, Regs, Regs)   '| Call the DOS findfirst func.
    IF (Regs.flags AND 1) THEN          '| Carry flag was set, no
        PRINT "File Not Found"          '|   files by this name
    ELSE                                '| Pull the info out
        Hour% = (DOSFindBuff.DosTime AND &H7800) \ 2048
                                        '| Adjust for sign ext. if needed
        IF (DOSFindBuff.DosTime AND &H8000) THEN
            Hour% = Hour% + 16
        END IF
        SFileTime$ = LTRIM$(STR$(Hour%))    '| Start output string
        Min% = (DOSFindBuff.DosTime AND &H7E0) \ 32
        Min$ = LTRIM$(STR$(Min%))
        IF (LEN(Min$) = 1) THEN         '| Format value for output string
            SFileTime$ = SFileTime$ + ":0" + Min$
            SFileTime$ = SFileTime$ + ":" + Min$
        END IF
        Secs% = (DOSFindBuff.DosTime AND &H1F) * 2
        Secs$ = LTRIM$(STR$(Secs%))
        IF (LEN(Secs$) = 1) THEN
            SFileTime$ = SFileTime$ + ":0" + Secs$
            SFileTime$ = SFileTime$ + ":" + Secs$
        END IF
        Year% = (DOSFindBuff.DosDate AND &H7E00) \ 512
        IF (DOSFindBuff.DosDate% AND &H8000) THEN
            Year% = Year% + 2044
            Year% = Year% + 1980
        END IF
        Mon% = (DOSFindBuff.DosDate AND &H1D0) \ 32
        Day% = (DOSFindBuff.DosDate AND &H1F)
        SFileDate$ = LTRIM$(STR$(Mon%)) + "/" + LTRIM$(STR$(Day%)) + _
                        "/" + RIGHT$(LTRIM$(STR$(Year%)), 2)
        SFileSize& = DOSFindBuff.FileSize
        PRINT SearchFile$ + "  " + SFileDate$ + "  " + SFileTime$ + _
                "  "; SFileSize&
    END IF = &H1A00                    '| Restore the original DTA
    Regs.ds = OldDTASeg%
    Regs.dx = OldDTAOff%
    CALL INTERRUPTX(&H21, Regs, Regs)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cut here - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Saving and restoring the DTA is not strictly necessary in a stand-alone
program like this, but doing it will let you stick the code in a sub without
worrying about it.  Lines with an underscore as the last character should
have the following line appended to them.
 * Origin: Night Shift BBS (314)635-7588 HST 14.4 (1:289/15)
Outer Court
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