Re: F key scanning

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-21-93 (20:49)             Number: 229
From: BOB PERKINS                  Refer#: NONE
  To: ERIC DURANT                   Recvd: NO  
Subj: Re: F key scanning             Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
 ED> documentation says that when a F key is pressed, a nul + a
 ED> specific character is present in inkey$, but the following
 ED> code segement doesn't detect the F key:

  Try this..

    if len(a$) then
      select case a$
       case null$ + ";" : print "F1"
       case null$ + "<" : print "F2"
       case null$ + "=" : print "F3"
       case null$ + ">" : print "F4"
       case null$ + "?" : print "F5"
       case null$ + "@" : print "F6"
       case null$ + "A" : print "F7"
       case null$ + "B" : print "F8"
       case null$ + "C" : print "F9"
       case null$ + "D" : print "F10"
       case null$ + chr$(133) : print "F11"
       case null$ + chr$(134) : print "F12"
      end select
    end if
  loop until a$ = esc$

--- Msg V4.5
 * Origin: Reciprocity Failure  (1:124/4115.236)
Outer Court
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