Solid5 5/8

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-21-93 (03:43)             Number: 355
From: RICH GELDREICH               Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: Solid5 5/8                     Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Page 5 of SOLID5.BAS begins here.
    END IF

    xd = xe - xs
    yd = ye - ys

    IF yd <> 0 THEN xi = xd \ yd: xrs = ABS(xd MOD yd)

    xr = -yd \ 2

    IF ye > 199 THEN ye = 199

    xdirect = SGN(xd) + xi

    FOR Y = ys TO ye
        IF xs < EdgeList(Y).Low THEN EdgeList(Y).Low = xs
        IF xs > EdgeList(Y).High THEN EdgeList(Y).High = xs

        xr = xr + xrs
        IF xr > 0 THEN
            xr = xr - yd
            xs = xs + xdirect
            xs = xs + xi
        END IF


SUB DrawObject

    'Find the center of each visible polygon, and prepare the order _
    NumPolys = 0
    FOR a = 0 TO MaxPolys
        IF Polys(a).Culled = False THEN 'is this polygon visible?
            Polys(NumPolys).ZOrder = a
            NumPolys = NumPolys + 1
            Polys(a).ZCenter = Points(Polys(a).P1).ZWorld + Points(Poly_
s(a).P2).ZWorld + Points(Polys(a).P3).ZWorld
        END IF
    'Sort the visible polygons by their Z center using a shell sort.
    NumPolys = NumPolys - 1
    Mid = (NumPolys + 1) \ 2
        FOR a = 0 TO NumPolys - Mid
            CompareLow = a
            CompareHigh = a + Mid
            DO WHILE Polys(Polys(CompareLow).ZOrder).ZCenter < _
                SWAP Polys(CompareLow).ZOrder, Polys(CompareHigh).ZOrder
                CompareHigh = CompareLow
                CompareLow = CompareLow - Mid
                IF CompareLow < 0 THEN EXIT DO
        Mid = Mid \ 2
    LOOP WHILE Mid > 0
    'Plot the visible polygons.
    FOR Z = 0 TO NumPolys
        a = Polys(Z).ZOrder 'which polygon do we plot?
        P1 = Polys(a).P1: P2 = Polys(a).P2: P3 = Polys(a).P3
        PolyFill (Points(P1).XView), (Points(P1).YView), (Points(P2).XV_
iew), (Points(P2).YView), (Points(P3).XView), (Points(P3).YView), _

SUB DrawShadows
    YLow = 32767: YHigh = -32768
    XLow = 32767: XHigh = -32768
    FOR a = 0 TO MaxPoints
        'Project the 3-D point onto the ground plane...
        temp& = (Points(a).YWorld - 200)
        X = Points(a).XWorld - (temp& * lx) \ ly
        Y = 200 'ground plane has a constant Y coordinate
        Z = Points(a).ZWorld - (temp& * lz) \ ly
        'Put the point into perspective
        xTemp = 160 + (X * 400&) \ Z
        yTemp = 100 + (Y * 300&) \ Z

        Points(a).XShadow = xTemp
        Points(a).YShadow = yTemp

        'Find the lowest & highest X Y coordinates
        IF yTemp < YLow THEN YLow = yTemp
        IF yTemp > YHigh THEN YHigh = yTemp
        IF xTemp < XLow THEN XLow = xTemp
        IF xTemp > XHigh THEN XHigh = xTemp

    'Store lowest & highest coordinates for later erasing...
    ShadowXLow(s) = XLow: ShadowYLow(s) = YLow
'Continued on page 6

--- MsgToss 2.0b
 * Origin: Computer Co-Op - Voorhees, NJ | Ted Hare (1:266/29)
Outer Court
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