Re: Change Directory

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-15-93 (16:27)             Number: 282
From: BOB PERKINS                  Refer#: NONE
  To: EARL MONTGOMERY               Recvd: NO  
Subj: Re: Change Directory           Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
 EM> I am writing a little program for my own use and I need to know
 EM> how to change directories using interrupts. I tried INT 21
 EM> function 3B but I guess I don't know enough about interrupts as

  Here you go Earl:

 '$INCLUDE: ''
 'Set Current Directory  Interrupt 21h, Function 3Bh
 DIM regsx AS regtypex
 'if you include a drive letter, the current directory is switched for that
 'drive but the default drive remains unchanged.
 newdir$ = "\squish" + CHR$(0)   'ASCIZ pathname = &H3B00
 regsx.ds = VARSEG(newdir$)
 regsx.dx = SADD(newdir$)
 interruptx &H21, regsx, regsx
 IF regsx.flags AND 1 THEN PRINT "Error!"

--- Msg V4.5
 * Origin: Reciprocity Failure  (1:124/4115.236)
Outer Court
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