ansisub 2/4

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-13-93 (14:52)             Number: 265
From: JEFF FREEMAN                 Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: ansisub 2/4                    Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'>>> Start of page 2.

SUB AnsiSub (Txt$)

    StrStart = INSTR(Txt$, CHR$(27) + "[")
    IF StrStart = 0 THEN StrStart = LEN(Txt$) + 1
    IF StrStart <> 1 THEN
      PRINT LEFT$(Txt$, StrStart - 1);
      Txt$ = MID$(Txt$, StrStart)
    END IF
    StrEnd = 1
    DO: StrEnd = StrEnd + 1
    LOOP WHILE INSTR("[0123456789;" + CHR$(27), MID$(Txt$, StrEnd, 1))_
 <> 0 AND StrEnd <= LEN(Txt$)
    ansi$ = LEFT$(Txt$, StrEnd)
    Txt$ = MID$(Txt$, StrEnd + 1)
    DoAnsi ansi$

  x = POS(0):  PRINT : LOCATE CSRLIN - 1, POS(0)


STATIC SUB DoAnsi (ansi$)

  Cmnd$ = RIGHT$(ansi$, 1): N = 0:

'>>> Continued on page 3.

 * Origin: WarWorld's point away from home... (1:124/7006.1)
Outer Court
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