PostIt! 5.0 1/11

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 03-01-93 (15:27)             Number: 70
From: VICTOR YIU                   Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: PostIt! 5.0  1/11              Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'> Hi, All!

'    I have decided to add COMPRESSION to PostIt! and fix some bugs...
' so after 5 hours of work, here comes 5.0!
'    Now, posting binary files will take up less space in the echos!  Save
' the next 11 messages as POSTIT50.BAS and it's ready to run!

'________O_/________________________| SNIP |______________________\_O_______
'        O \                        | HERE |                      / O
'This file created by PostIt! v5.0.
'>>> Start of page 1.

'         º      PostIt! THE Binary <-> BASIC Script Creator      º
'                                   * * *
'         º          Postit! v5.0  by Rich Geldreich 1992         º
'         º       Loader further optimizied by Jim Giordano       º
'         º     User Interface and Graphical embellishments by    º
'         º          Mark H Butler & Quinn Tyler Jackson          º
'         º     Ability to post and wrap plain code - as text!    º
'         º   Based on MsgSplit by Scott Wunsch and Victor Yiu.   º
'         º   And now, with compression to reduce the echo band-  º
'         º   width required to post your file, from Victor Yiu!  º
' To enable the posting of  compressed  listings  on a text only net.
' This program takes a binary input file and converts it to a  series
' of small,  postable files which other people can capture and run to
' get the original binary file.
' Just  follow  the prompts.   You give the input & output filenames,
' the page length and the number  of lines you want reserved for your
' stuff and it does the rest.  If nothing is inputted for a prompt, a
' default value will be used for it instead.
'Additions by Victor Yiu:
'     (28 February 1993)
' Now, save an average of 10% on posting object files!  This version
' includes compression of duplicate characters.  Also fixes several
' bugs and quirks (visual & operational), and adds a disk buffer for
' increased conversion speed.  The text wrapping problem with
' quotes has also been totally elimintated; now, the comments
' starting later in the line extending past the wrap will not be
' messed up during splitting, as is was before.  Twirler was
' optimized/fixed (MsgSplit).  Loader was optimized more, but more
' code had to be added on to handle compression.
' Compression documentation & statistics in FUNCTION Compress$...
'Additions by Scott Wunsch:
'     (13 February 1993)
' PostIt! is no longer just for binary files!  It can be used to post
' BASIC code,  and will  do so in  text format.   Code will  be word-
' wrapped appropriately, and  underscores inserted to allow QB/PDS to
' put it back  together  again  for you.   Unlike past  code-wrapping
' programs, PostIt! can even handle quoted strings properly.
'Additions by Mark Butler:
'     (8-30-1992)
' Postit!  output filename now defaults to the input filename if none
' is given.   If the input filename is 8  characters  in  length  the
' default output filename will be truncated to the first 7 characters
' of  the input filename.   The default output extension is now "BAS"
' instead of nothing.  I also added a little bit of text mode "screen
' magic" to further augment  Quinn T. Jackson's copyright screen  and
' warning screen additions.   Fixed bug from version 2.8  that caused
' succeeding output files after the first  one to overwrite  the same
' filename due to the filename number suffix not incrementing. I also
' caused the program to skip the opening screens if an input filename
' is entered from the command line when the program is run. (I didn't
' think folks wanted to see those screens *every* time they wanted to
' use PostIt! Sometimes ya just want to get on with it right?)
'      (9-1-1992)
' Hardcoded a  CHR$(32)  (a space character)  to the end of each full
' length G-sub data line in the attempt to thwart  line truncation in
' transit on the Net. Just a theory that I hope is correct! -> MHB
'Additions and Modifications by Quinn Tyler Jackson (August 22, 1992):
' Postit! now prints a warning screen, warning users of possible
' abuse of binary-to-text posts.  Also, instead of the old '80% DONE'
' meter, this version uses a graphical bar that looks like this:
' ²²²±±±±±±±±±± (One block=2% completion.)
' I have also added a nice starting screen, giving Rich  credit where
' it is due!   Bells and whistles, boys! <qtj>
'>>> Continued on page 2.

--- Blue Wave/RA v2.10 [NR]
 * Origin: Hard Disc Cafe / Houston Texas / (713) 589-2690
/ Node -*N (1:106/30.0)
Outer Court
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