SpaceOut 1.0 ---> 3/3

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 02-27-93 (00:02)             Number: 69
From: VICTOR YIU                   Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: SpaceOut 1.0 ---> 3/3          Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Part 3 of SPACEOUT.BAS - continued from last message...

' character, while the 2nd space will be by itself...
' The code below is very optimized: it uses direct manipulation of
' the string through PEEK/POKE and not MID$.  It is as fast as
' you can get with pure QB.
FUNCTION vy.Encode (Text$)

    Leng = LEN(Text$)
    IF Leng = 0 THEN Encode = True: EXIT FUNCTION

    Temp& = SSEG(Text$)       ' Same here, too!
    Offset = SADD(Text$)
    DEF SEG = Temp& + Offset \ 16
    Offset = Offset AND 15

    After = Offset
    Char = PEEK(Offset) AND 127
    Endd = Offset + Leng - 2
    Abort = False

    FOR Byte = Offset TO Endd
        Nxt = PEEK(Byte + 1) AND 127
        IF Nxt = 32 THEN
            Char = Char OR 128
            Byte = Byte + 1
            Nxt = PEEK(Byte + 1) AND 127
        END IF

        POKE After, Char

        After = After + 1
        Char = Nxt

    POKE After, (Char AND 127)
    NewLen = After - Offset + 1

    Text$ = MKI$(LEN(Text$)) + LEFT$(Text$, NewLen)
    vy.Encode = True


'________O_/________________________| SNIP |______________________\_O_______
'        O \                        | HERE |                      / O
'  Line wrapping and message splitted accomplished by MsgSplit 2.00,
'a Victor Yiu and Scott Wunsch creation.

That's it.  Hope you like it.


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 * Origin: Hard Disc Cafe / Houston Texas / (713) 589-2690
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Outer Court
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