editor 2

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 02-20-93 (14:17)             Number: 394
From: JON SPRINGER                 Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: editor 2                       Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Part 2 of font 2.5 starts here

SUB editor
     cell = 1
     COLOR 14, 8
     LOCATE 1, 1: PRINT "Editing "; CHR$(34); name$; CHR$(34); "  ";
     PRINT box(1); "across"; box(2); "down";
     PRINT "              Font Display Window"
     LINE (0, 13)-(639, 15), 12, BF: LINE (320, 0)-(323, 300), 12, BF
     LINE (0, 300)-(639, 303), 12, BF
     LOCATE 23, 1: PRINT "<?> displays other useful keys.        ";
     PRINT "         <Esc> Exits Editor";
     LOCATE 25, 1: PRINT "<Space> & cursor keys edit cell.";
     PRINT"               <F1> Save  <F2> Load";
     LINE (320, 303)-(323, 350), 12, BF: LINE(0,325)-(639,327),12,BF
     IF gonk = 1 THEN Out.alphabet
     COLOR 13, 8
     LOCATE 4, 1: PRINT "Enter lower/upper case letters or"
     PRINT " # 0/9 to move among cells." : COLOR 14, 8
     LOCATE 20, 1: PRINT "You are at cell"; cell; "; "
     IF cell < 27 THEN
        PRINT "The letter "; CHR$(cell + 64); "                  "
     END IF
     IF cell>26 AND cell<53 THEN
        PRINT"The letter ";CHR$(cell-26+96);"         "
     END IF
     IF cell > 52 THEN PRINT "A user defined cell"
     LINE (10, 100)-(200, 260), 0, BF
     FOR i = 1 TO box(2)
       FOR z = 1 TO box(1)
        IF font(cell, z, i) = 0 THEN
        END IF
       NEXT z
     NEXT i
     IF i = 6 THEN GOTO do.grid
     IF i = 2 THEN GOTO animate
     IF i = 3 THEN EXIT SUB
     IF i = 4 THEN Save.font
     IF i = 5 THEN Load.font
     IF i = 1 THEN Out.alphabet
     IF i = 13 THEN Help
     IF i = 7 THEN Insert
     IF i = 8 THEN Delete
     IF i = 9 OR i = 10 THEN Fill
     IF i = 11 OR i = 12 THEN Gets.puts
   IF flag = 1 THEN LET flag = 0: GOTO start.editor
   GOTO do.grid
    LET font(cell, across, down) = font(cell, across, down) + 1
    IF font(cell,across,down) = 2 THEN LET font(cell,across,down) = 0
      IF font(cell, across, down) = 1 THEN
      LINE(10*across,100+((down-1)*10))-       'GRAB UP NEXT LINE\/

--- QuickBBS 2.76
 * Origin: Programmers Information Exchange   (206) 283-5978 (1:343/27)
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