BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 02-17-93 (16:05)             Number: 255
From: MICHEL BERTLER               Refer#: NONE
  To: RAYMOND KEITH                 Recvd: NO  
Subj: DAYS.BAS 1/2                   Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hello Raymond!

In a message of <11 Feb 93>, Raymond Keith (1:105/224) writes:

 RK>   Rob heres an ugly piece of code. It seems to get the job done but just
 RK>   looks sloppy to me.

 RK> '***********************************************************************
 RK> * '* This routine checks for data entry errors made when a user inputs
 RK> * '* a date. Proper format ##/##/## is checked as well as proper values,
 RK> * '* 30 day months, Feb with regards to leap years, range of valid
 RK> years. * '* This routine is good for years 1904 to 1999.
 RK> * '*********************************************************************

It has been a while since the following was initially posted here but
maybe it is worth reposting it! All credit go to mr.Bill Campbell the
author. This will be my first try with MSGSPLIT! Thanks Victor & Scott!

 Part one of DAYS.BAS...
________O_/________________________| SNIP |______________________\_O_______
        O \                        | HERE |                      / O

usedate$ = DATE$
LOCATE 25, 27: COLOR 9, 0: PRINT "A Quicky by Bill Campbell";
LOCATE 7, 15: COLOR 15, 0
PRINT "(I)nput your own date    or    (U)se today's date"
x$ = ""
DO: x$ = INKEY$: IF x$ = "I" OR x$ = "i" OR x$ = "U" OR x$ = "u" THEN EXIT DO
LOCATE 9, 32: COLOR 15, 0
IF x$ = "i" OR x$ = "I" THEN
   LOCATE 10, 32: PRINT "##     ##     ####"
   ROW = 10: mydate$ = "": column = 32: flag = 0: SETLENGTH = 8
   LOCATE 9, 32: COLOR 12, 0
   select$ = ""
   DO WHILE select$ <> CHR$(13) AND flag < SETLENGTH
        select$ = INKEY$
        IF flag = 0 THEN
                column = 32
        ELSEIF flag = 1 THEN
                column = 33
        ELSEIF flag = 2 THEN
                column = 39
        ELSEIF flag = 3 THEN
                column = 40
        ELSEIF flag > 3 THEN
                column = flag + 42
        END IF
        IF flag = 0 AND select$ > "3" THEN GOTO BuildDate
        IF flag = 2 AND select$ > "1" THEN GOTO BuildDate
        IF flag = 4 AND (select$ > "2" OR select$ < "1") THEN GOTO BuildDate
        IF select$ > CHR$(47) AND select$ < CHR$(58) THEN GOTO GotChar
        GOTO BuildDate
        LOCATE ROW, column: PRINT select$
        flag = flag + 1: mydate$ = mydate$ + select$
        IF flag = 2 OR flag = 4 THEN mydate$ = mydate$ + "-"
   dummy$ = LEFT$(mydate$, 2): MID$(mydate$, 1, 2) = MID$(mydate$, 4, 2)
   MID$(mydate$, 4, 2) = dummy$: usedate$ = mydate$
   LOCATE 10, 32
   PRINT MID$(DATE$, 4, 2) + "     " + LEFT$(DATE$, 2) + "     " +_

COLOR 15, 0
DIM days$(7)
days$(1) = "Sunday":     days$(2) = "Monday":    days$(3) = "Tuesday":   _
 days$(4) = "Wednesday":  days$(5) = "Thursday":  days$(6) = "Friday":  _
 days$(7) = "Saturday"

DIM month$(12, 2)
month$(1, 1) = "January":   month$(1, 2) = "31"
month$(2, 1) = "February": month$(2, 2) = "28"
month$(3, 1) = "March":     month$(3, 2) = "31"
month$(4, 1) = "April":     month$(4, 2) = "30"
month$(5, 1) = "May":       month$(5, 2) = "31"
month$(6, 1) = "June":      month$(6, 2) = "30"
month$(7, 1) = "July":      month$(7, 2) = "31"
month$(8, 1) = "August":    month$(8, 2) = "31"

Continued on next message...


--- GoldED
 * Origin: Blainville, Quebec (1:242/130)
Outer Court
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