Prime Number prog

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 02-15-93 (15:17)             Number: 324
From: MARK HARRIS                  Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: Prime Number prog              Conf: (2) Quik_Bas

COLOR Black, White

COLOR Starwhite, Ltblue

Explode 6, 20, 18, 62

LOCATE 7, 23
LOCATE 9, 24
PRINT "This  program   generates  all  the";
LOCATE 10, 24
PRINT "prime numbers from  1 to just about";
LOCATE 11, 24
PRINT "as high as  you'd like to go.   The";
LOCATE 12, 24
PRINT "higher the  number,  the longer  it";
LOCATE 13, 24
PRINT "takes to verify  that it is a prime,";
LOCATE 14, 24
PRINT "so sit back and let the program run.";
LOCATE 16, 29
COLOR Yellow, Ltblue
PRINT "Press <ENTER> to continue";


COLOR Black, White

COLOR Starwhite, Ltblue

Explode 4, 20, 20, 62
LOCATE 5, 23
LOCATE 7, 24
PRINT "The prime  numbers  found  by  the";
LOCATE 8, 24
PRINT "program  will  be saved  to a file";
LOCATE 9, 24
PRINT "called 'PRIME.NUM' in the  current";
LOCATE 10, 24
PRINT "directory.   You can  view all the";
LOCATE 11, 24
PRINT "primes found  by pressing  'V'  at";
LOCATE 12, 24
PRINT "any time.  Also, pressing  the ESC";
LOCATE 13, 24
PRINT "key will end  the program whenever";
LOCATE 14, 24
PRINT "you wish.   You  might want to run";
LOCATE 15, 24
PRINT "the program overnight, just to see";
LOCATE 16, 24
PRINT "what it comes up with."
LOCATE 18, 29
COLOR Yellow, Ltblue
PRINT "Press <ENTER> to continue";

... OFFLINE 1.50  " ebius tagline. This is a moebius
tagline. This is a mo ..."

--- MsgToss 2.0d(beta) 12/17/92
 * Origin: JW-PC Consulting DataFlex.HST (608)837-1923 (1:121/8)
Outer Court
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