Re: HELP PLEASE!!!! 2 of

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 02-05-93 (04:23)             Number: 392
From: ROB MCKEE                    Refer#: NONE
  To: ERIC MAYS                     Recvd: NO  
Subj: Re: HELP PLEASE!!!! 2 of       Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hello Eric!
   You wrote in a message to Geoffrey Liu:

 EM> How can I repplace all theinput and line input statements...
 EM> Tell me the way to do it because I'm stuck making a security
 EM> menu  system that anyone can ctrl -c out of...

 ----------- 8< -----------
 'Another Quik_Bas Kludge-O-Matic
 ' Multi Function Sub..
 ' If St= 1 then Display Original String$ and_
 start at position 1 if any
 ' editing key is hit then the original is used_
 otherwise the string is
 ' blanked and you start working on another
 ' Pre$ = What ever you want the Default Return string
 ' to be.
 ' Good$= THe Allowable Charcters in the return string
 ' Play with it and you'll figure it out..
 SUB plinput (RetStr$, Pre$, Good$, MaxLength%, St%)
  r = CSRLIN
  c = POS(0)
  PRINT space$(MaxLength%);
  LOCATE r, c
  PRINT "";
  RetStr$ = RTRIM$(Pre$)
  ins = True ' Where True = -1
  IF St = 1 THEN
   CsrPtr = 1
   CsrPtr = LEN(RetStr$) + 1
   CsrPtr = LEN(RetStr$) + 1
   KeyIn% = True
   LOCATE r, c
   PRINT LEFT$(RetStr$ + SPACE$(MaxLength%), MaxLength%);
   LOCATE r, c + CsrPtr - 1, 1
   IF ins THEN LOCATE , , 1, 6, 7 ELSE LOCATE , , 1, 1, 7
   PRINT "";
   DO: i$ = INKEY$: LOOP WHILE i$ = ""
   KeyCode%= CVI(i$+CHR$(0))
   IF (KeyCode% = 8) AND ((CsrPtr > 1) and (_
    LEN(RetStr$) >0)) THEN
    RetStr$ = LEFT$(RetStr$, CsrPtr - 2) +_
    MID$(RetStr$, CsrPtr):
    CsrPtr = CsrPtr - 1
  ELSEIF (INSTR(Good$, i$) > 0) AND KeyIn% = False THEN
       RetStr$ = i$
       CsrPtr = 2
   ELSEIF (INSTR(Good$, i$) > 0) AND_
 (MaxLength% > LEN(RetStr$)) THEN
    IF ins THEN InsPtr = CsrPtr else InsPtr = CsrPtr +1
    IF CsrPtr > 0 THEN
        RetStr$ = LEFT$(RetStr$, InsPtr - 1) +_
         i$ + MID$(RetStr$, InsPtr)
    End IF
    CsrPtr = CsrPtr + 1
   ELSEIF KeyCode% = 13 THEN
   ELSEIF KeyCode% = 19712 THEN 'Right
    IF CsrPtr <= MaxLength% THEN CsrPtr = CsrPtr + 1
   ELSEIF KeyCode%= 19200 THEN 'Left
    IF CsrPtr > 1 THEN CsrPtr = CsrPtr - 1
   ELSEIF KeyCode%= 20224 THEN '  End
    CsrPtr = LEN(RetStr$) + 1
   ELSEIF KeyCode%= 18176 THEN '  Home
    CsrPtr = 1
   ELSEIF KeyCode%= 30464 THEN '  Cntrol -home
    IF LEN(RetStr$) THEN
       RetStr$ = MID$(RetStr$, CsrPtr)
       CsrPtr = 1
    END IF
   ELSEIF (KeyCode%= 29952) and (_
 LEN(RetStr$)>0) THEN '  Cntrol End
    RetStr$ = LEFT$(RetStr$, CsrPtr - 1)
       CsrPtr = LEN(RetStr$) + 1
   ELSEIF KeyCode%= 29696 THEN '  Cntrol Right
    IF CsrPtr <> LEN(RetStr$) + 1 THEN
       CsrPtr = INSTR(CsrPtr + 1, RetStr$ + "  ", " ")
    END IF
   ELSEIF KeyCode%= 29440 THEN '  Cntrol Left
    FOR g = CsrPtr - 2 TO 2 STEP -1
        IF MID$(RetStr$, g, 1) = " " THEN EXIT FOR
    NEXT g
    IF g > 0 THEN
       IF MID$(RetStr$, g, 1) = " " THEN
         CsrPtr = g + 1
         CsrPtr = 1
       END IF
    END IF
   ELSEIF KeyCode% = 127 THEN  ' 1 Cntrol -BS
    RetStr$ = "": CsrPtr = 1
   ELSEIF KeyCode% = 20992 THEN '  Ins
    IF ins THEN ins = False ELSE ins = True
   ELSEIF KeyCode% = 21248 THEN '  Del
    IF MID$(RetStr$, CsrPtr) <> "" THEN
     RetStr$ = LEFT$(RetStr$, CsrPtr - 1) +_
 MID$(RetStr$, CsrPtr + 1)
    END IF
   KeyIn% = True

  ------------ 1 of 2 functions and 2 messages --------

 EM> Thanks A Million!!!

Na...  you need to send me 10% ;)

 Catcha Later , I'll see you on the flip side - Rob

--- timEd/B6
 * Origin: Another Quik_Bas Point in Richmond, CA (1:125/1212.13)
Outer Court
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