Re: Data Input Editor to

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 02-05-93 (01:34)             Number: 396
From: RAYMOND KEITH                Refer#: NONE
  To: ERIC MAYS                     Recvd: NO  
Subj: Re: Data Input Editor to       Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
> How can I repplace all theinput and line input statements...

Input? Line Input? Those BASIC commands can really stink up a good piece of
code. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a basic input command that didn't
allow users to Ctrl-Break out, one that didn't allow a user to type past
a certain length, making a mess out of your menus. One that was a bit more
configurable that you could just call when you needed the user to enter
in some information? Sorry to report there isn't one. On a brighter note
without too much work you can write your own "Data Input Editor" that does
all the above and more.

You will need to replace the INPUT and LINE INPUT with a routine that
handles each keypress individualy. It's a lot more work than using INPUT but
the results are worth it. I'll give you a general description of the routine
I wrote for data input then give you some code in the next couple messages
which may give you some ideas on how to write your own.

My "Data Input Editor" is a one size fits all type of
routine. Whenever I need the user to type something in, I
call this one routine. It handles different length strings,
dates, numbers, currency, etc. The user cannot type more
characters than is allowed, therefore your menus don't get
all messed up. The user can only type those keys active for
a particular type of field. Date for example only accepts
the numbers 0 to 9 and the / character.

My input editor is written for VGA mode 12 so is a bit more complicated than
would be needed for a text mode program. I think you could modify it rather
easily for use in text mode though.

All the regular editing functions are supported. Insert and Overwrite modes,
left/right cursoring, delete/backspace, Home/End to jump to the
beggining/end of the field, and hot key to clear the field.

The mouse is also supported in a couple ways. First since my menu's are
very much like what you see in a Windows program, my users must be able
to click on buttons and areas of the screen. The second mouse function
my input editor supports regards a status line. As the user moves the
mouse cursor over different buttons and areas of the screen, a status
line at the bottom of the screen describes the area or button the mouse
pointer is over.
Well thats the general overview. I built this editor over a short period
of time. As new needs arise I modify it as needed. See the next couple of
messages for some code to look over.


--- DB 1.51/003468
 * Origin: R/E Northwest (1:105/224)
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