Cellular Automata

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 01-19-93 (23:54)             Number: 327
From: CORIDON HENSHAW              Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: Cellular Automata              Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
Hello All!

The code below is a simple Cellular Automata program.  This
is sometihing that I converted from (gack) C to BASIC.  If
you have any comments/changes, I'd like to see them.
'DESC: Simple Cellular Automata
'REQU: VGA adapter
'FROM: Coridon Henshaw (1:250/820)
'DATE: 19 JAN 93

DEF SEG = &HA000

DIM ruletable(0 TO 7) AS INTEGER 'int ruletable[8] = {0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0}
DIM oldbuff(0 TO 641) AS INTEGER
DIM newbuff(0 TO 641) AS INTEGER

ruletable(0) = 0 '0
ruletable(1) = 1 '1
ruletable(2) = 1 '1
ruletable(3) = 1 '1
ruletable(4) = 1 '1
ruletable(5) = 0 '0
ruletable(6) = 0 '0
ruletable(7) = 0 '0

oldbuff(319 \ 2) = 1

WHILE Exitflag = 0
        FOR x = 0 TO 199
                FOR i = 1 TO 320
                        nabecode = 4 * oldbuff(i - 1) + 2 *
oldbuff(i) + oldbuff(i + 1)
                        newbuff(i) = ruletable(nabecode)
                FOR i = 0 TO 319
                        pointer& = pointer& + 1
                        POKE pointer&, newbuff(i)
                        oldbuff(i) = newbuff(i)
                        newbuff = 0
        pointer& = 0

        Ikey$ = INKEY$

        SELECT CASE LEN(Ikey$)
                CASE 1, 2
                        Exitflag = 1
                CASE 0
                        FOR i = 0 TO 7'<8
                                ruletable(i) = INT(2 * RND)
        END SELECT
===Chop===  That's all folks!

\  Coridon Henshaw  \          ³
  \  Sirrus Software  \      \ ³ /
    \   Sysop,          \  ÄÄÄÄ*ÄÄÄÄ
      \  TCS Concordia    \  / ³ \
        \  34:3416/18       \  ³

...I intend to discover who are the prisoners and who are the warders.

--- GEcho 1.00
 * Origin: Politicly INcorrect and damn proud of it (1:250/820)
Outer Court
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