Re: FCB's

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 12-19-92 (22:26)             Number: 363
From: ROB MCKEE                    Refer#: NONE
  To: STEVE PERRY                   Recvd: NO  
Subj: Re: FCB's                      Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
'Hi Steve,
 'SP> This is probably a dumb question, but here it goes. I need to get the
 'SP> size of a file. I'm currently doing a shell command and directing it to
 'SP> a file that I open and then search for the needed data. I was looking
 'SP> through a interrupts book and it shows that interrupt 21h with ah = 23h
 'SP> and ds:dx = pointer to an unopened file control block. Can this be done
 'SP> in PDS? If so how? How do you access a FCB anyway?
 'SP> Any and all help would be appreciated!

    This should do it for you.

    ' $DYNAMIC
     TYPE RegType
               ax       AS INTEGER
               Bx       AS INTEGER
               cx       AS INTEGER
               dx       AS INTEGER
               bp       AS INTEGER
               si       AS INTEGER
               di       AS INTEGER
               Flags    AS INTEGER
     TYPE RegTypeX
               ax       AS INTEGER
               Bx       AS INTEGER
               cx       AS INTEGER
               dx       AS INTEGER
               bp       AS INTEGER
               si       AS INTEGER
               di       AS INTEGER
               Flags    AS INTEGER
               ds       AS INTEGER
               Es       AS INTEGER
    TYPE FileDataType
        Flname          AS STRING * 12
        Year            AS INTEGER
        Month           AS INTEGER
        Day             AS INTEGER
        Hour            AS INTEGER
        moniute         AS INTEGER
        Second          AS INTEGER
        Attribute       AS INTEGER
        Size            AS LONG
    DIM RegX AS RegTypeX

 DECLARE SUB FindFirstFile (Path$, Attrib%, DTA$, Result%)
 DECLARE SUB FindNext (Attrib%, DTA$, Result%)

 SUB FindFirstFile (Path$, Attrib%, DTA$, Result%) STATIC
 DIM RegX AS RegTypeX
 thPath$ = Path$ + CHR$(0) = &H2F00
 CALL interrupt(&H21, RegX, RegX)
 sgmnt% = RegX.Es
 offst% = RegX.Bx
 DTA$ = SPACE$(43)
 ' set the DTA = &H1A00
 RegX.ds = VARSEG(DTA$)
 RegX.dx = SADD(Dat$)
 CALL interruptX(&H21, RegX, RegX)
 ' find first file = &H4E00 = Attrib%
 RegX.ds = VARSEG(thePath$)
 RegX.dx = SADD(thePath$)
 CALL interruptX(&H21, RegX, RegX)
 Result% = RegX.Flags AND 1
 ' reset the DTA = &H1A00
 RegX.ds = sgmnt%
 RegX.dx = offst%
 CALL interruptX(&H21, RegX, RegX)

 SUB FindNext (Attrib%, DTA$, Result%) STATIC
 DIM RegX AS RegTypeX
 IF LEN(DTA$) <> 43 THEN
    Result% = 2   ' Exit errorcode of 2
 END IF = &H2F00
 CALL interrupt(&H21, RegX, RegX)
 sgmnt% = RegX.Es
 offst% = RegX.Bx
 DTA$ = SPACE$(43)
 ' set the DTA = &H1A00
 RegX.ds = VARSEG(DTA$)
 RegX.dx = SADD(Dat$)
 CALL interruptX(&H21, RegX, RegX)
 ' find first file = &H4F00 = Attrib%
 RegX.ds = VARSEG(thePath$)
 RegX.dx = SADD(thePath$)
 CALL interruptX(&H21, RegX, RegX)
 Result% = RegX.Flags AND 1
 ' reset the DTA = &H1A00
 RegX.ds = sgmnt%
 RegX.dx = offst%
 CALL interruptX(&H21, RegX, RegX)

 SUB GetFileData (DTA$, File AS FileDataType) STATIC
    File.Attribute = ASC(MID$(DTA$, 22, 1))
    Tim& = CVI(MID$(DTA$, 23, 2))
    IF Tim& < 0 THEN Tim& = Tim& + 65536
    File.Second = Tim& AND &H1F
    File.Minute = (Tim& \ 32) AND &H3F
    File.Hour = (Tim& \ 2048) AND &H1F
    Dat& = CVI(MID$(DTA$, 25, 2))
    IF Dat& < 0 THEN Dat& = Dat& + 65536
    File.Day = Dat& AND &H1F
    File.Month = (Dat& \ 32) AND &HF
    File.Year = ((Dat& \ 512) AND &H1F) + 1980
    File.Size = CVL(MID$(DTA$, 27, 4))
    f$ = MID$(DTA$, 31) + CHR$(0)
    File.Flname = LEFT$(f$, INSTR(f$, CHR$(0)) - 1)
                                   TTYL -Rob

--- EZPoint V2.2
 * Origin: Flyer Proof Computer Services (1:125/1212.13)
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