Alphabetizer FUNCTION

 BBS: Inland Empire Archive
Date: 12-07-92 (22:52)             Number: 306
From: JOE NEGRON                   Refer#: NONE
  To: SHANE HEADER                  Recvd: NO  
Subj: Alphabetizer FUNCTION          Conf: (2) Quik_Bas
SH> Does anyone have a FUNCTION that that will alphabatize a complete
  > string array? I have tried unsucessfuly. I'm sure I could do it, but I
  > thought I would check with you guys to see if you had one lying around.

What you need is a sort routine.  There are a number of different
sorting methods; here is a relatively simple one, based on the Bubble
Sort, called a "Comb" sort:

============================== Begin code ==============================

DECLARE SUB CombSort (Array$())

'* SUB CombSort
'*    Sorts an array using the Comb sort algorithm.
'*    This routine was taken from the article "A Fast, Easy Sort", by
'*    Stephen Lacey and Richard Box, from the "Hands On" column of the
'*    April 1991 issue of Byte.
SUB CombSort (Array$()) STATIC
   FirstEl% = LBOUND(Array$)
   LastEl% = UBOUND(Array$)
   Gap% = LastEl%

      IF Gap% * 8 / 11 > 1 THEN
         Gap% = Gap% * 8 / 11
         Gap% = 1
      END IF

      Switch% = 0

      FOR I% = FirstEl% TO LastEl% - Gap%
         J% = I% + Gap%
         IF Array$(I%) > Array$(J%) THEN
            SWAP Array$(I%), Array$(J%)
            Switch% = Switch% + 1
         END IF
      NEXT I%
   LOOP UNTIL Switch% = 0 AND Gap% = 1
=============================== End code ===============================

Simply pass your array to this SUB as follows:

   CombSort Array$()


   CALL CombSort(Array$())

As I said, there are a number of different sorting algorithms.  I use
this one the majority of the time since it is small, simple, and fairly

Just for comparison's sake, here is a Shell sort:

============================== Begin code ==============================

DECLARE SUB ShellSort (Array$())

'* SUB ShellSort
'*    Sorts an array using the shell sort algorithm.
SUB ShellSort (Array$()) STATIC
   FirstEl% = LBOUND(Array$)
   LastEl% = UBOUND(Array$)
   Span% = LastEl% \ 2

   DO WHILE Span% > 0
      Boundary% = LastEl% - Span%

         Flag% = 0

         FOR I% = FirstEl% TO Boundary%
            IF Array$(I%) > Array$(I% + Span%) THEN
               SWAP Array$(I%), Array$(I% + Span%)
               Flag% = I%
            END IF
         NEXT I%

         Boundary% = Flag% - Span%
      LOOP WHILE Flag%

      Span% = Span% \ 2
=============================== End code ===============================

Both of these routines are fairly fast, and require a minimal amout of

BTW, these routines are implemented as SUBs rather than FUNCTIONs,
because they do not need to return a value to the caller.

                                --Joe in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY--
                                      Mon  12-07-1992, 22:38

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